Hasty Conclusions

Hasty Conclusions Prov.25:8-10   Your Bible has many things to say about drawing hasty conclusions. In this passage, Solomon warns us of some things not to do and some consequences of drawing a hasty conclusion. Before you draw a conclusion:   Get as close as possible to the source and...

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On Time

On Time Ex. 9:5   Do you believe that God is ever late for anything? I believe that he is always on time. I also believe that being late is not something God appreciates. [Ecc.3:1-8] clearly states that there is a time to every purpose under heaven. I really believe...

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Identity – Who Are You?

Identity – Who Are You? Gal. 3:26-29   As far as your identity, this passage tells the truth of the matter. You are a child of God. But who are you really? Your identity is what you spend most of your time and effort on. Do you spend that time...

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Doing a Great Work

Doing a Great Work Neh.6:1-4 Are you doing a great work? Nehemiah was, and his enemies were trying to distract him. He was not going to stop, because he knew the importance of the work. the Lord did some mighty works while he was on this earth, but [John 14:12]...

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Stumblingblocks 1 Cor.10:12   Stumblingblocks will cause you to fall. Falls account for 15% of all occupational fatalities, second only to vehicle accidents. Tripping hazards (Stumblingblocks) cause many injuries and deaths. Spiritual Stumblingblocks have the same effect on Christians. Identifying and avoiding them should be a part of your daily...

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The Law of Sin

The Law of Sin Rom.7:23-25   Paul is speaking of a law that brings him into captivity, this law works through his members (flesh). This is the Law of Sin. In the previous verses he explains that he can’t do the things he would and does do the things he...

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Give Attendance To

Give Attendance To 1 Tim.4:13   Paul tells Timothy to “give attendance to” three things. When you give attendance to something it means that careful application of mind, regard, or attention is required. Have you ever entered a contest where you must “be present to win”? Your attendance is required,...

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