Come Before His Presence, Ps 95:1-11

Come Before His Presence Ps. 95: 1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we read in the Psalms about coming “before his presence,” [i.e., Ps 95:2], we are reading about people literally coming before the Lord’s presence during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ when he is ruling on the earth from...

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Joseph Remembered the Dreams, Gen 42:9

Joseph Remembered the Dreams In Gen 42:9, Joseph remembered the dreams.  There was a gap of many years between his dreams and the day that Joseph remembered the dreams.  This message is about how to handle life until your dreams are fulfilled. In Gen 37:5-10, we read about Joseph’s dreams. ...

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Thanksgiving is the Key, Ps 95:2

Thanksgiving is the key to: Entering the presence of God, Ps 95:1-3, Ps 100:3-4 When you talk to God in your heart, you might sense that you are down here and God is way up there in heaven.  We speak of God as our heavenly Father.  The truth is that...

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Tremble at His Presence, Ps 114:7

Today we are going to examine some verse about trembling in God’s presence. We will see that when God is present, people and things tremble.   The earth trembles at his presence – In Ps 114:7, when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to this earth, the earth is going to...

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Be Of Good Cheer, Matt 9:2

Be Of Good Cheer Matt 9:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Five times the Bible tells us to be of good cheer.  These five references are situated in the context of men dealing with difficulties.  Therefore, we can be encouraged to be of good cheer when we face difficult circumstances in our...

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The Lord’s Presence, Rom 5:1

The Lord’s Presence, Rom. 5: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In our personal experience, the greatest single evidence of the Lord’s presence is peace.  Peace derives from our salvation [Rom 5:1], peace is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit [Gal 5:22], peace is assured to us when we pray...

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He Proved Them, Ex 15:22-27

When the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, he led them through the Red Sea.  And immediately following their great song of victory in Ex 15, they encountered a problem.  They found no water, v.22.  The water that they did find was bitter, v.23.  When they asked, What shall we...

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God Opened Their Eyes, Gen 21:19

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON God had to open the eyes of people in the Bible to show them something that they couldn’t see even though it was right there in front of them.  He showed them so we will know that, though we can’t...

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God Was With Him, Gen 26:28

God Was With Him Gen 26:28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO An outstanding testimony of some of the men in the Bible is this one statement, God was with him.  Today, we are going to see what each of the following men was able to accomplish because God was with him.  We...

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Encourage Your Spirit, 1 Sam 1:15-18

There are things in your life that will affect your spirit.  And when your spirit gets down, you are in trouble.  We often think that our spirits won’t be lifted until whatever has gotten us down is resolved or is taken away.  But such is not the case.  You can...

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