The Church Building, Matt 16:16-18

The Church Building Matt 16:16-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus said, “I will build my church,” [Matt 16:18].  It’s built on a rock [Matt 16:16].  That rock is Jesus Christ, and the gates of hell were not able to prevail against it between his burial and resurrection [Acts 2:27, 31].  Notice...

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Honey Out of the Rock, Ps 81:16

Honey Out of the Rock Ps. 81:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The rock represents a hard thing in your life and the honey represents something good that comes out of that hard thing.  Calvary was Jesus’ rock and the honey is our salvation.  Notice these truths: The rock is an unyielding...

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Is Peter “the Rock?”

Is Peter the rock? No. Jesus Christ is. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Peter is the rock upon which the church is built.  They get this from Matt 16:18 where Jesus said “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church.”  But Matt 16:18 is in...

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There Is Only One Way

There Is Only One Way  (Genesis 28:10-21) In this passage God is personally revealing himself to Jacob and assuring him that the promises given to Abraham and Isaac concerning the land will now be given unto him. This passage is full of types of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this...

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He Only, Ps 62:2, 6

In Ps 62:2 and Ps 62:6, notice the little two word phrase, “He only.”  Those two words sound perfectly exclusive.  No one else can compare to the Lord in these things that David said “only” the Lord is.   He only is my rock – Ps 62:2 – He is...

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They Angered Him, Ps 106:32-33

In Ps 106:32-33 we read that “They angered him.”  This is a reference to Num 20:1-13 where Israel chided with Moses because they had no water to drink.   They provoked his spirit – Ps 106:33.  To provoke is defined to arouse or to incite to anger. Up till now,...

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Living Stone and Lively Stones, 1 Pet 2:4-10

Our lesson today covers 1 Pet 2:4-10.  In this passage we see the following: Jesus Christ is the living stone – this stone is Christ and he is surely alive.  Christ, the rock, followed the Jews in the wilderness, keeping them alive with water [1 Cor 10:4].  Christ, the rock,...

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My God Ps. 18:2

My God Ps. 18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David wrote Psalm 18 after the Lord had delivered him from all his enemies and from Saul.  In this Psalm he makes many references to the Second Coming of Jesus.  However, in verse 2, he gives us some beautiful things to remember about...

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A Firm Foundation 1 Cor. 3 :11

A Firm Foundation 1 Cor. 3 :11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is no other foundation upon which to build your life than the firm foundation of Jesus Christ.  Jesus said in Matt 16:18. “Upon his rock I will build my church.”  If Jesus is the rock upon which the Church...

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Upon This Rock Matt.16:16

Upon This Rock Matt. 16:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus answered Peter’s confession, he said… upon this rock I will build my church. He wasn’t talking about Peter and the Roman Catholic Church here. He was talking about himself, “the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And that’s because...

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