Your Responsibility, Gen 43:9

Your Responsibility In Gen 43:9, Judah said to Jacob, concerning Benjamin’s safety going to and returning from Egypt, “Let me bear the blame”.  To bear the blame is to take responsibility.  To blame is to hold responsible.  Judah took personal responsibility for Benjamin’s safety. Even though Joseph told Judah and...

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Rebuild Your Wall, Neh 1:6

Rebuild Your Wall Neh. 1:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you have no rule over your own spirit, you are like a city that is broken down and without walls [Prov 25:28].  You must rebuild your wall. Many of us have seen our lives like a broken down city and...

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God Our Father, Eph 1:2

In Eph 1:2, Paul wrote concerning God our Father.  Do you ever think about the implications of this phrase?  If you were raised in a religion, you probably haven’t given this a second thought.  You’ve just gotten used to saying God or Father. We when refer to God as God...

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Jason Murphy – Living On Empty

This sermon is from 1 Ki 19:1-13 and the text is from 1 Ki 19:4. I’m Living on Empty when: I Allow Fear to CONSUME me. 1 Ki 19:2. Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not...

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A Call to the Ministry, Is 6:1-8

In Is 6:1-8 we see an example of a call to the ministry.   First, Isaiah saw the Lord and then he saw himself.  He knew that he was unworthy and unclean.  When men really get to know the Lord, usually in a deep valley or trial, they see him as...

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Paul’s Steadfastness 1 Cor 15:58

Paul’s Steadfastness 1 Cor. 15:58 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul could not be stopped in his work for the Lord.  He was steadfast and abounded in the work of the Lord, as 1 Cor 15:58 says.  Once he got going for Jesus, he didn’t quit.  Rather, he approached his work with...

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