Restoring Your Marriage I, Mal 2:16

Restoring Your Marriage I Mal 2:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is on restoring your marriage, if you are, or a friend or relative is, having difficulty keeping your marriage or their marriage together.  In our day, we are seeing more and more marriages messed up by infidelity, irresponsibility, incompatibility,...

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“R” Bible Doctrines

“R” Bible Doctrines Acts 26:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are a number of Bible doctrines that start with the letter “R.”  Today, we’ll study these doctrines since some of them may be unfamiliar to you and since there may be some confusion about the others resulting from bad teaching.  These...

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How to Handle an Offense, Prov 14:10

How To Handle An Offense Prov. 14: 10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of How to Handle an Offense In the Christian life, you are going to be hurt by another Christian at some point in your life.  It seems that everyone goes through this experience at least once.  And some folks go...

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How to Reconcile with Others, Lk 17:3-4

How To Reconcile With Others Lk 17:3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is on How to reconcile with others when you are the offended party. Confront small things right away – SOS 2:15 – don’t let anything build between you and other people, particularly family. Pray for him or her...

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But Now

But Now Eph.2:13-22 But now we are in Christ Jesus! Paul explains to the Ephesians the great things that have changed because of Jesus Christ. He said that there was a “wall of partition” between Jews and Gentiles, [verse 14]. He also says that the wall is “the law of...

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Be Reconciled to thy Brother, Matt 5:23-24

Be Reconciled to thy Brother Matt. 5:23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Without going into the doctrinal teaching of Matt 5:23-24, we can see very clearly that the Lord values reconciliation between brothers even above giving.  In the particular example of Matt 5, reconciliation with this brother is something you control because...

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What God Committed to Us, 2 Cor 5:18-21

In the Bible, the word “commit” is used in two principle ways.  It either means to do or perpetrate something, like commit adultery, commit iniquity, commit sin, or it means to give in trust, to put into the hands or power of another.  This is the way it is first...

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Keep The Unity of the Spirit, Eph 4:3

When we trusted Christ as our Savior, we were made one with him.  Through the Holy Spirit, we are in the body of Christ and we are members of one another, Rom 12:5; Eph 4:25.  So, without a doubt, there is union.  And that union is unbreakable.  We are sealed...

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