My Messenger John the Baptist, Lk 7:11-30

My Messenger John the Baptist  In Lk 7:11-30, Jesus first raised the dead son of a widow in Nain.  John’s disciples were there to witness this miracle.  Then John sent two of his disciples to Jesus to verify that Jesus was indeed the Messiah.  When they returned to John, Jesus...

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The Mystery Was Made Known

Ephesians 3:1-12  Introduction: In these verses, Paul writes about how he came to know and how others now know the mystery, Ephesians 3:6 “that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body,” with Jews.  Ephesians 2:11-22 In the prior lesson, Paul disclosed to the Gentiles how they...

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The Voice of God, Ex 19:5-8

The Voice of God Ex. 19:5-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ex 19:5-8, Moses told Israel to obey the voice of God.  And the people said, “All that the Lord hath spoken we will do.”  The truth of the matter is that people don’t want to hear the voice of God. ...

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Are You Still Looking For Another?

Are You Still Looking For Another (Matthew 11:2-6) John had a reason for asking the question that he ask in the way he asked it because Israel had been promised a Prophet like unto Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15-19). So Jesus told John to look at miracles he had done because if...

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Ministry of a Prophet, Ezek 3:4-14

The ministry of a prophet is unique.  He’s certainly not a pastor.  He’s not trying to shepherd a flock of people and establish a local ministry where he is sent. He preaches God’s words and often what he has to say is very negative.  In Ezek 3:4-14, we see some...

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A Prophet Among Them, Ezek 2:1 – 3:3

We’re studying Ezek 2:1-3:3 in this lesson.  Ezek 2:5 says, “And they… shall know that there hath been a prophet among them.”  There are several things that we see in this passage concerning Ezekiel that are true of God’s prophets.   A prophet hears from God – Ezek 2:1-3 – God...

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Sign of the Prophet Jonas Matt 12:38-41

Sign of the Prophet Jonas Matt. 12: 38-41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is amazing that the scribes and Pharisees would ask for a sign after seeing so many miracles that Jesus performed. Jesus answered them by saying that he would give them one sign, the sign of the prophet Jonas....

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Christ’s Gifts to Men Eph. 4:11a

Ephesians 4:11a Christ’s Gifts to Men CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Christ gave himself and then when he left he gave some men to help the body of Christ.  He also gave us grace to do our function in the body (v. 7).  Every one of us has been given grace that...

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There is Yet One Man, Micaiah

There is Yet One Man, Micaiah 1 Kings 22 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO King Ahab wanted to recover Ramothgilead.  So he called Jehoshaphat to help him in the battle.  Jehoshaphat asked Ahab to inquire of the Lord before undertaking the battle and so Ahab called together his 400 prophets and...

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Who Is This?

Even before Adam was created, God knew that this particular day in the life of Jesus Christ was coming.  Many prophecies concerning the events of the next 9 days had been recorded in the Old Testament centuries before Jesus was even born.  The next few days were going to be,...

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