World Peace, Luke 2:14

 World Peace Lk 2:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many people are praying for world peace. Many others are looking for world peace. There are 3 things missing for world peace. During this season, people often quote or misquote, as the case may be, the verse found in Lk. 2:14, which says,...

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Things we need after we get Saved (2 Peter 1:5-10) Introduction   In this series we are going to be looking at things we need to have after we get saved. Many people get saved but never grow or mature in their salvation. There are several reasons for why this...

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Naaman and Salvation, 2 Ki 5:1-16

Naaman and Salvation 2 Ki 5:1-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We find in Naaman some interesting truths concerning the simplicity of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Naaman was the captain of the host of the king of Syria.  The Lord used him to give deliverance to Syria.  But he was a...

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Two Attributes of God, Neh 9:16-17

Two Attributes of God Neh. 9:16-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson, we are going to discuss two attributes of God.  We are going to discuss his mercy and his wrath. The first attribute is God’s Mercy – Neh 9:16-17 – when the Jews left Egypt, God provided everything...

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Dreams That Never Come True, Is 29:7-8

Dreams That Never Come True Is. 29:7-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I heard a message over 25 years ago titled, Dreams That Never Come True.  I found the outline in my Bible and so I am going to preach it for you today.  Dreams in the Bible often come true.  The...

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Always Giving Thanks Unto God

Ephesians 5:16-20 “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ”. Introduction: In the verses preceding vs 20, and including vs 20, we see Paul giving good, wise, practical advice for the believer. According to this verse, we are to...

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The Tribe of Benjamin, Gen 49:27

The Tribe of Benjamin Gen. 49:27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon on the tribe of Benjamin illustrates the great work of salvation wrought in Jesus Christ.  You will see this unfold in Benjamin’s relationship with the tribe of Judah. Gen 49:27 says, “Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf.”  But Deut...

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Wicked King Manasseh, 2 Chr 33:1-17

Wicked King Manasseh 2 Chr 33:1-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wicked King Manasseh reigned as a young man and had the reputation of being the wickedest king that Judah ever had.  The reason that Judah was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar is that Manasseh had sinned so wickedly [2 Ki 24:1-4]. What we...

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Cornelius’ Salvation, Acts 10

Cornelius’ Salvation Acts 10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon examines Cornelius salvation. Cornelius was like many religious men.  He was good but he wasn’t saved.  He had to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved.  Perhaps, studying Cornelius salvation will help you realize your own need of Jesus...

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Rahab’s Testimony, Jos 2:1-24

Rahab’s testimony is remarkable, Jos 2:1-24.  Notice: Rahab’s Testimony of Faith – Heb 11:31.  In Jos 2:9-11 she believed in the Lord.  Then in v.12-13 she believed she could be saved and that she needed to be saved.  In v.14 she believed the words of the spies.  And in v.17-21 she...

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