Friend of God James 2

Friend of God James 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Abraham was called the friend of God.  What was it about Abraham that warranted that title?  If we can find out, it may help us to be a friend of God [Jn 15:13-20].  Abraham was called the friend of God because of:...

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Being a Pattern

Being a Pattern Titus 2:7   “In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works” a pattern is something that is used as an example, especially to copy, [Ex.25:9, 40] [1 Chr.28:19]. Are you an example that anyone would want to copy? Whether you want to be or not,...

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Lowering the Standards

Lowering the Standards Col.1:16-17 The Bible states that “all things were created by him and for him”. God has set the standards. God has made all the rules. They are created by him and for him. We are to live by the standards that God has set for us and...

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What Joshua Learned Ex. 33:11

What Joshua Learned Ex. 33:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Joshua was a young man when he began to train under Moses, as his servant.  In this study we examine what Joshua learned that prepared him for his ultimate work of taking the Jews into Canaan when he was older.  The young...

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Obedience and Faithfulness

Obedience and Faithfulness   [2Kings 6:8-18] This is an account of how the Lord opened the eyes of a young man at Elisha’s request so that he could see how God had things under control. We must understand this truth by faith and not sight. Today we will look at...

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The Love Test Matt. 22: 36-37

The Love Test Matt. 22: 36-37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you go to the doctor for your annual physical, he or she sends you to the lab for a blood test to see how you are doing physically.  When you take a class in school, the teacher gives you a...

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Don’t Mock Sin Prov.14:9

Don’t Mock Sin Prov.14:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Fools make a mock at sin.  If you don’t want to be a fool, don’t mock sin.  Here are some ways fools laugh at, make fun of and deride sin.  They change the names to get rid of the transgression.  Drunkards aren’t sinners, they...

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Responsibility and Reward Prov. 3:1-10

Responsibility & Reward Prov 3: 1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible is a very practical book and Proverbs is loaded with life principles.  In this passage are five principle responsibilities that men have and each is accompanied by a related reward.  Fulfill this responsibility and you will have that...

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Nevertheless Obedience Luke 5:1-11

Nevertheless Obedience Luke 5:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Introduction: Whenever you read your Bible make sure to pray and ask God to show you something that you made need that day. I have learned to ask God to show me a Principle, some fact or doctrine. Always around that Principle you...

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Add to “Patience Godliness”

Add to “Patience Godliness” 2 Peter 1:6                 What is godliness? How can one be godly? Peter tells us to add godliness in this passage. Godliness is being like God. It is more than observing a list of do’s and don’ts (although obedience is required). It is thinking His thoughts...

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