A Flattering Backbiting Tongue, Ps 5:9

We have been studying the tongue.  According to Jas 3:8 it is an unruly evil.  Today, we are going to study the flattering, backbiting, piercing tongue.  Notice the unruly evil of a: Flattering tongue – Ps 5:9 – “they flatter with their tongue.”  Don’t flatter others.  God despises the use...

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Backbiting and Paybacks Prov. 24: 28-29

Backbiting and Payback Prov. 24:28-29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are two sins that can plague Christians – backbiting and paybacks. Backbiting is intended to destroy someone’s reputation and in the meantime make you look good – it is deceptive – the Pharisees did it to Jesus without cause out of...

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