Then Shall they Fast, Mk 2:18-20

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In Mk 2:18-20 Jesus replied to a question about fasting with, “But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.”  Jesus is the bridegroom; the church is...

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You Don’t Know The Times, Acts 1:7

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In Acts 1:7 Jesus said, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.”  He gave this answer to the disciples who asked, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom...

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The Joys of the Ministry, Phil 2:1-2d

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON There are lots of pressures, prayers, griefs, and heartaches in the work of the ministry.  Sometimes, pastors think it would just be easier to be an evangelist, so that they wouldn’t have to get wrapped up in all the problems. ...

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The Perfecting of the Saints, Eph 4:11-16

In Eph 4:11-16, pastors and teachers are given to the church for the perfecting of the saints.  Saints are perfected for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ.  In verse 16, “every part maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of ITSELF...

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God Given Lights, Gen 1:3

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON God is light [1 Jn 1:5] and in the world is darkness [Gen 1:2, 4-5].  So, the Lord has given us lights in this dark world, which is governed by the “rulers of the darkness of this world,” Eph 6:12. ...

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The Armour of Light

The Armour of Light Romans 13:8-14 In the word of God our spiritual armour is said to be 3 things. In the text for this sermon it is called the armour of light. In 2 Corinthians 6:7 it is called the armour of righteousness and in Ephesians 6:11 it is...

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Two Requirements for Following God

Follow Me Matt.9:9 Introduction: Read Passage and Pray Each of us has at some point been asked to “Follow Me” Very simple request and Matthew and others did it Are you doing it? Do you ever remember a time when? God has his arm out, looking back at you, and...

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Cast Your Lot

Cast Your Lot [Prov. 18:18] “The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parteth between the mighty.” Your Bible is full of examples of where men cast lots to determine God’s will [1Sam.14:37-42] Jonathan chosen by lot Choosing something by lot should cause contentions to cease! If all parties agree to...

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Principles When Making Decisions, Ps 46:10

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON When you’re trying to decide something, there are some truths in the Bible that you must follow.  We’ve said many times that your decisions must line up with the Bible, with good counsel, with prayer, and with the unfolding of circumstances (lastly).  These truths about...

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