White Throne Judgment (Part 1) Rev. 20:11-15

White Throne Judgment Rev 20:11-15  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The White Throne Judgment is God’s final judgment.  There are other judgments such as the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Judgment of Nations that take place before this judgment.  To place this judgment in its proper time frame, it falls...

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KING of Kings Rev.20:1-10

The Devil Chained, The Saints Reign Revelation 20:1-10  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this chapter we find three main things, two of which we will study today.  We find the chaining of the devil for a thousand years and we find the rule of the Lord Jesus Christ and his...

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Lord Jesus Christ Exalted Rev. 19:1-10

 Rev 19 1-10 Exalted Jesus CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus returns he will be the: Exalted Judge 19:1 There are “much people in heaven” – therefore the tribulation rapture is over [19:5 we see “servants and ye that fear him” – these are a reference to the saints in...

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Babylon the Great (Part 3) Rev. 18

 Rev 18 Things That Stand Out About Babylon CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Things that stand out about Babylon the Great. The destruction of Babylon – Makes Her – 2 Babylon falls and becomes the habitation of devils, foul spirits and hateful birds 2 = bittern and fowl spirits Affects –...

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Babylon the Great (Part 2) Rev. 18:1-3

What Is Babylon Rev 18:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Babylon is the name of a real city – but today that city is merely a tourist attraction – Saddam Hussein started to rebuild the city and made reference to himself in the context of Nebuchadnezzar when he did – on...

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Babylon the Great (Part 1) Rev. 18:1-3

 Babylon The Great Revelation 18:1- 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Babylon is the name of a real city – but today that city is merely a tourist attraction – Saddam Hussein started to rebuild the city and made reference to himself in the context of Nebuchadnezzar when he did –...

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Judgment of the Great Whore Rev. 17:1-18

 The Beast Revelation 17, 1-18  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As we saw last week, the great whore is the Roman Catholic Church.  There are numerous evidences of her whoredom, some of which are the following: ·         Worldwide influence – v.1 and v.15 peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues pictured as many...

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