The Right Roots, Col 2:7

The Right Roots Col. 2:7  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In a previous broadcast we preached about the root problem in your life.  That is most people deal with the fruit of their problems but they never get down to the root problem.  If you don’t get down to the root,...

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The Devil’s Lies, Jn 8:44

The Devil’s Lies Jn 8: 44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of The Devil’s Lies According to Jn 8:44, the devil is a liar and the father of all lies.  He took over the human race in the garden of Eden.  He did it by lying.  The devil has three advantages.  One, he...

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Rejoice in Likemindedness, Phil 2:1-8

Rejoice in Likemindedness Phil 2:1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Phil 2:2, Paul said, “Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded…”  We should rejoice in likemindedness.  We are to be likeminded in our marriages, in our families, in our friendships and in our churches.  We are likeminded when we are...

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Rejoice in Answered Prayer, Jn 16:23-24

Rejoice in Answered Prayer Jn. 16:23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus showed us in Jn 16:23-24 that we should rejoice in answered prayer.  Getting a prayer answered is a reason to rejoice.  And notice that Jesus said, “that your joy may be full.”  So, he wasn’t just talking about a...

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Rejoice in Gods Words, Jer 15:16

Rejoice in God’s Words Jer. 15:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Rejoice in Gods Words Jeremiah said, …thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart [Jer 15:16].  We have been preaching on reasons to rejoice.  And we can and should certainly rejoice in Gods words. We rejoice in:...

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Rejoice in the Lord, Is 61:10-11

Is 61: 10-11 Rejoice in the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We rejoice in the Lord because he is our God, he saved us, he gave us his righteousness, he has espoused us to him, and he’s coming back for us.  We so often look for joy in things and in...

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Rejoice in the Cross, Heb 12:1-3

Heb 12 1-3 Rejoice in the Cross CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul told us to rejoice evermore [1 Thes 5:16]. We have some reasons to rejoice. We should rejoice in the cross.  When Jesus went to the cross there was joy set before him.  There is a great cloud of witnesses...

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Corporate Christianity, 1 Thes 2:3-6

 Corporate Christianity 1 Thes 2: 3-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been seeing a move in American Christianity away from the Bible and the local church to what I call, “Corporate Christianity,” a Christianity characterized by corporate philosophy rather than Biblical doctrine.  They have boards and staff and committees and...

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America Must Stand With Israel

America Must Stand With Israel Gen. 12:2-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you didn’t know this already, America must stand with Israel. A pastor friend of mine said, “I believe that the reason God has not judged America is that we continue to support Israel and we continue to support missions.”...

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The Lord Always Before You, Ps 16:6-11

The Lord Always Before Me Ps 16: 6-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  of The Lord Always Before You In our lives, we are always influenced by the people who are around us, and by the people with whom we associate.  We often live to impress them, whether they are impressed...

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