From the website of the U.S. Department of Labor, we read, “Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.”
So, today, in honor of Labor Day, we want to talk about what the Bible has to say about labor.
Men labor to feed themselves – labor is for the mouth [Prov 16:26, Ecc 6:7] – Paul said, “if any would not work, neither should he eat” [2 Thes 3:10] – one benefit of labor is that ye may have to give to others [Eph 4:28; Lk 6:38].
Men labor to increase wealth – Prov 14:23 in all labor there is profit – Prov 13:11 he that gathereth by labor shall increase – according to Prov 23:4, though, you shouldn’t labor to be rich.
Men who labor must rest – Ex 20:9-10 instituted the Sabbath of rest; men who labor in the daytime are to rest in the nighttime [Ps 104:23] – according to Solomon, labor yields sweet sleep [Ecc 5:12]; according to Matt 11:28-30 we are offered the yoke of the Lord so that we can come to him and rest – often men have their own yoke and are denied sleep in their restless dreams.
Men who are saved should labor in the Lord’s work – Matt 9:37-38 there is a harvest that needs your attention; Jesus told us in Jn 6:27 not to use up all our labor on feeding ourselves; work for the Lord for your labor is not in vain in the Lord [1 Cor 15:58].
Conclusion: Men who labor without the Lord labor in vain – Ecc 2:11; Ps 127:1 – men who labor for the Lord shall be rewarded [Col 3:23-24].