Intercessory Prayer II, 1 Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer II CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Continuing with the last lesson that we taught on intercessory prayer, there are many good things for which you can pray for others.  You can pray for their health, their families, their marriages, their finances, their jobs, their testimony, and their safety and you can pray for the Lord to give them grace, comfort, and strength.

And on a spiritual level you can pray the way that Paul did in Col 1:9-12 and in Eph 1:16-19.  In these passages Paul prayed that they would be:

Filled with the knowledge of his will – Col 1:9 – to do the will of God we must know certain parts of the will of God for our lives.  You can pray for others to know God’s will.

Pleasing to the Lord – Col 1:10 – in intercessory prayer, we can ask the Lord to help others please him.

Fruitful in every good work – Col 1:10 – it should be our great desire that others for whom we pray are fruitful in their good works.

Increasing in the knowledge of God – Col 1:10 – we and those for whom we pray should be always increasing in the knowledge of God.

Strengthened with all might – Col 1:11 – this is a request that the lord would strengthen them with the strength of the Lord God.

Given the spirit of knowledge and revelation – Eph 1:17 – that way they learn the Bible correctly.

Enlightened in the eyes of their understanding – Eph 1:18 – so they con understand with the eyes of faith.

Knowlegable of the hope of his calling – Eph 1:18 – this will help them to keep from being discouraged.

Knowledgable of the riches of the glory of his inheritance – Eph 1:18 – this will help them to patiently wait for the Lord’s reward for their labor.

Knowledgable of the exceeding greatness of his power – Eph 1:19 – this will help them to rely upon God and not man.