I Was Strengthened Dan.10:19

I Was Strengthened Dan.10:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

There are times when we need to be strengthened, when we have lost our courage and our grit and we are ready to throw in the towel.  What are some of the things the Lord gives us to strengthen us?

We are strengthened by:

His words – Dan 10:19 – when “the man” spoke to Daniel he was strengthened.  That’s what happens to us when the Lord speaks to us as we read the Bible and hear it taught and preached.  Ps 119:28

His presence – Ps 18:2 – the Lord is my strength.  David said in Ps 71:16, “I will go in the strength of the Lord God.”  We have his presence with us to strengthen us.

His power – Phil 4:13 – Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”  This is particularly true when we are weak.  When we are strong, we don’t think about how much we need his power.  But when we are weak and without strength, then it is obvious how much we need his strength.

His wisdom – Prov 24:5 – wisdom strengthens a man.  Ecc 7:19.  I always wanted to have more physical strength than I had.  Then I read that wise man is strong. Then I began to seek the strength that comes from wisdom, which is far greater than physical strength.

His joy – Neh 8:10 – the joy of the Lord is your strength.  You never have the strength of God in despondency and despair.  And you never have to be despondent and in despair when you have the joy of the Lord.  As Christians we have his joy as the fruit of the Spirit.  And his joy gives us strength.

His helpers – 1 Sam 23:16 – Jonathan strengthened David’s hand in God.  And you have strengthened our hands in the Lord.  It is amazing to me how you strengthen your pastors by the helping hands you are to the Lord.  What an encouragement.  We can do so much more in the ministry because of you.

Conclusion: where ever you have felt the loss of strength in your life, you can look to the Lord’s words, presence, power, wisdom, joy and helpers to strengthen you.  For sure, if you are not in God’s words, you are going to be weak. And if you are not saved you will have none of these things until you are saved.