Commands, Instructions, Closing, Heb 13

Heb 13 is very much like 1 Thes 5:12-28 and Rom 12:9-21, for instance.  Each of the verses from 1 to 17 are a succession of divers commands and instructions as Paul brings this letter to a close.  These “bullet points” are unlike the the former chapters.  Paul has finished...

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Refuse Not Him That Speaketh, Heb 12:18-29

In Heb 12:18-29, Paul exhorts the Hebrews to “refuse not him that speaketh”.  He contrasts the manner in which God spoke to the Jews from Mt Sinai when he gave them the old covenant with the way Jesus speaks to them before fulfilling the new covenant.  The point is that...

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Duties of Tribulation Saints, Heb 12:1-17

In the Tribulation, people must endure to the end to be saved, Matt 24:13, Heb 3:6, 14.  In Heb 12:1-17, Paul lists several duties of Tribulation saints to help them endure to the end.  We’ll study these duties of Tribulation saints today.  Tribulation saints must: Lay aside every weight and...

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By Faith, Heb 11:23-40

In Heb 11:23-40, Paul recounts how former Jewish saints lived by faith and accomplished great things.  By their example, he encourages Jewish Tribulation saints to live by faith, as well.   By faith they overcame fear – 11:23, 27.  Moses’s parents were not afraid of the king’s commandment when they...

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The Just Shall Live By Faith, Heb 11:17-22

In Heb 11:17-22, we will study the faith of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.  These men were all just.  And they are excellent examples to the Tribulation Jews of Heb 10:38, which says, “the just shall live by faith”.  There is something prophetic in the faith of every one of...

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The Evidence of Faith, Heb 11:1-16

Heb 11:1 says, Faith is substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  In this lesson on Heb 11:1-16, we are going to study the evidence of faith. The elders obtained a good report by faith, v.2.  Paul wrote about the faith of some of the Old...

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Tribulation Saints Who Sin Willfully, Heb 10:26-39

This lesson from Heb 10:26-39 deals with Jews who can lose their salvation in the Tribulation.  Paul starts this passage with, “For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins”.  How Can Tribulation Saints Sin Willfully? Essentially,...

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The Perfect Sacrifice, Heb 10:1-25

In Heb 10:1-25, Paul writes that Jesus Christ is the perfect sacrifice for sins for ever.  There is no need for any other sacrifice for sins. The Imperfect Old Testament Sacrifices, 10:1-4 Under the law, which was a shadow of good things to come, the priests offered sacrifices year by...

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The More Perfect Tabernacle, Heb 9:1-28

In Heb 9 we see that Jesus is the mediator of the new testament.  By the shedding of his own blood, he offered a better sacrifice than the blood of bulls and goats.  And, unlike the earthly high priests who offered in the worldly tabernacle, his sacrifice was performed for...

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A More Excellent Ministry, Heb 8:1-13

This lesson is a study of Heb 8.  Jesus has a more excellent ministry, Heb 8:6, than the priests after the order of Aaron because: He ministers in a better tabernacle, v.1-2.  Jesus is a minister in the true tabernacle.  He’s seated at the right hand of God in the...

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