Forsake the Foolish, Prov 9:6

Forsake the Foolish Prov. 9:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Wisdom, in Prov 9:6, says, “Forsake the foolish, and live, and go in the way of understanding.”  In order to live, you must:

Forsake These Things:

Foolish Religions

Jesus is not a religious concept; he is God. And Jesus never established a religion. He is the redeemer. Religion is man’s concept. In order to spiritually live you need to forsake religion. This is why Jesus had such a battle with the Pharisees. They were religious and they wouldn’t forsake their religion. Consequently, they killed the redeemer and wound up in hell. There is not one religion in the entire world that can give a man life; not one. There is not one religion that can justify a man before God. So, it would be absolute foolishness to stay in something like that. Forsake the foolish religion and live by receiving Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the LIFE.

Foolish Philosophies

There are numerous foolish philosophies in the world that rob you of the life promised in Jesus Christ. There is the philosophy of “living in the moment.” Forsake this because it emphasizes the temporal over the spiritual and the spiritual life is abundantly better than the temporal. Then there is the philosophy of “you gotta make a living.” Forsake this because it emphasizes education and career over the Bible [Matt 4:4]. The Bible is a much greater source of life. Of course, there is the ridiculous fairy tale philosophy of evolution. Forsake this because it emphasizes adaptation over creation and cannot prove the origin of life. The Creator is the giver and sustainer of life, here and hereafter. Forsake the philosophy of living life away from a good Bible believing church. Living away from a good church emphasizes your personal selfishness over your collaborative fellowship with other believers, which is far more gratifying.

Foolish Associations

The companion of fools shall be destroyed. The people you hang around with have a lot to say about the life you live. Did you know that the average life expectancy of a gang member is less than 21 years? If you were in a gang and you wanted to live longer than that, you would get out. You would forsake those foolish associations. Likewise, if you are saved and you want to experience the abundance of life promised by the Lord, you must forsake your foolish associations.

Foolish Ways

There are numerous foolish ways that rob you of the life promised in Jesus Christ. Forsake the foolish way of sinning that is justified by your liberty in Christ. Claiming liberty to sin robs you of pleasure in the life in Christ. Forsake the foolish way of covetousness. Covetousness robs you of satisfaction in the life in Christ. Forsake the foolish way of lust. Giving in to lust robs you of contentment in the life in Christ. Forsake the foolish way of self-will. Self-will robs you of assurance in the life of Christ. Forsake prayerlessness. Neglecting to pray robs you of peace in the life of Christ.


When you forsake these and start walking in the way of understanding, you really begin to see what it is to live!!