Exceeding Great and Precious Promises II Peter 1:1-4

Exceeding Great & Precious Promises II Peter 1:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

When we were saved, the divine power of God gave us ALL things that pertain unto life and godliness.  The Lord has already provided you everything you need to live and everything you need to be godly.  Included with this package are exceeding great and precious promises.  Through these promises we are partakers of the Lord’s divine nature.

What are the exceeding great and precious promises that the Lord has given us that make us partakers of the divine nature?  The exceeding great and precious promises are:

The Promise of God’s Indwelling Fatherhood – Phil 2:12-15; 2 Cor 6:16-18 – for his presence to benefit you, you must separate from the world – like Jesus, we have fellowship with him – we have his provision – we have his love – we have his protection – we have his strength – we have his loving chastisement [Heb 12:7].

The Promise of Jesus Christ’s Indwelling Eternal Life – Tit 1:2; 2 Tim 1:1 – for his presence to benefit us we need to die to this life [Gal 2:20, Rom 6:1-12, 1 Cor 15:31] – by his life we escape the corruption of the world like he escaped the corruption of the grave – by his life we can enjoy eternal things – we have hope in our death – you become more aware of the benefits of his eternal life as your knowledge of God grows.  Like Paul said in Phil 3:10 he realized that the power of the resurrection was conditioned upon him being in fellowship with the sufferings of Christ and being made conformable to his death.  That’s not something that you fully understand right after you are saved.  It takes getting to know him to figure this out.

The Promise of The Holy Spirit’s Indwelling Power – Eph 1:13; Gal 3:14; Rom 8:14 – for his power to work in us we need to be filled [Eph 5:18] through the Holy Spirit we have holiness, fruit, leadership, consecration, conformity to the image of Jesus Christ.

The Promise of the Bible’s Effectual Work – 1 Thes 2:13; Matt 4:4; Jn 17:17 – for the word of God to work effectually we need to believe it and we need to be nourished by it through reading, study, teaching and preaching – by the word of God we grow, we are sanctified, we are made wise and we bear fruit [Jn 15].

Conclusion: We are partakers of His divine nature through these exceeding great and precious promises – but we must separate from the world, die to self, be filled with the Spirit, and get in and stay in the Bible.  Then we have all the power we need to be the sons of God in this world.