The Power of God, Rom 1:16

The Power of God Rom. 1: 16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Power of God When we deal with folks about the Lord, we shouldn’t worry about whether or not we’re doing a good enough job.  I realize how nervous we can be trying to talk to someone about Jesus. However,...

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Follow Thou Me, Jn 21:22

Follow Thou Me Jesus told Peter in Jn 21:19, “Follow Me”.  But when John walked up, Peter wanted to know what Jesus was going to tell him to do.  And Jesus replied, “what is that to thee? Follow thou me”.  When it comes to following Jesus, we need to concern...

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Walk After The Spirit of God, Rom 8:1-14

In Rom 8:1-14, how is it that we can walk after the Spirit?  A person who is not saved or who is walking after the flesh wouldn’t even understand how to walk after the Spirit.  But when you’re saved you can understand because you are now no longer just a...

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Living Water, Jn 4:10-14

Living Water Jn. 4:10-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Getting saved is like taking a drink of living water [Jn 4:10-14].  It’s that easy.  And it’s that lasting.  Jesus said, after a drink of living water, you will never thirst again [Matt 5:6].  When you get saved, your spiritual thirst will be...

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Reasons We Are Not Revived, Is 57:15

Reasons We Are Not Revived Is. 57:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Revival is important to nations, cities, churches and individuals.  Not many people alive today have ever witnessed anything akin to a revival of the Spirit of God.  You may have witnessed a big production of men and you may have...

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After the Flesh or After the Spirit, Rom 8:1-14

In Rom 8:1-14, Paul discusses the differences between walking, minding, and living after the flesh or after the Spirit. Walk after the flesh or after the Spirit, Rom 8:1-4. Rom 8:1, 4 to “walk after the flesh” concerns the way you walk.  Even after you’re saved, you can come into...

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Putting Away Bitterness, Eph 4:30-32

We have some excellent sermons and radio broadcasts on the subject of bitterness posted on line.  For example, The Evil Effects of Bitterness and Naomi’s Bitterness.  But there is something about putting away bitterness that is not covered in these other sermons.  So, we need to discuss putting away bitterness...

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Holy Spirit as Water, Jn 7:38-39

The Bible often uses metaphors to communicate spiritual truths.  In Jn 7:38-39, we see the Holy Spirit likened to water.  When you study the properties of water, you learn more about the Holy Spirit.  For starters, water typifies the Trinity.  The triple point of water at .01 degree C and...

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The Holy Spirit During the Tribulation, 2 Thes 2: 7

The Holy Spirit During the Tribulation 2 Thes. 2: 7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are a lot of people who have been taught that the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth during the Tribulation. This teaching comes from a misunderstanding of 2 Thes 2:7, which says, “For the...

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Walk in the Spirit

In Gal 5:16 Paul told us to walk in the Spirit.  Let’s see what this entails. When you are saved, the Spirit is in you This is a fairly simple lesson when you think about it.  When you were saved, you went through a spiritual circumcision that separated your flesh...

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