Righteousness, Temperance, and Judgment, Acts 24:25

Righteousness Temperance and Judgment Acts 24:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Paul preached to Felix from time to time and when he did he reasoned of righteousness temperance and judgment to come.  You know that Paul’s preaching reproved Felix because he trembled when he heard Paul preach.  When you think about what subjects you should preach to friends and acquaintances these three topics are the principal areas of concern.  We should deal with:

Righteousness – We need to preach on the difference between self-righteousness and God’s righteousness – we need to preach on the difference between righteousness and sin.

Temperance – We need to preach on the difference between walking after the lust of the flesh and walking after the Spirit – we need to explain the fruit of the Spirit and the development of spiritual temperance [Gal 5:22-23] – we need to help them understand the necessity for personal temperance [1 Cor 9:25-27].

Judgment – We need to preach on the white throne judgment and the lake of fire – we need to explain and expound the judgment seat of Christ.

Conclusion: When you have preached these three topics sufficiently and plainly, the person to whom you have been preaching should tremble at God’s word – they shouldn’t be offended; they should have tasted some of the fear of God, at least – there is too much sugar and sweetener in the gospel today for men to get solidly under conviction – like Felix, the decision is theirs to make – but there should be no misunderstanding in eternity that if they choose to reject the words of God and your preaching they knew what they were getting into – they should also know that if they choose to believe God expects them to live in righteousness and temperance and to prepare for the judgment to come!!