Would You Believe the Writing on the Wall?

Would You Believe the Writing on the Wall?

Daniel 5:1-30

The passage for this sermon tells the story of how the Medes and the Persians defeated Babylon and killed Belshazzar and became the ruler of the known world at the time. In this story God sent a hand to write on the wall concerning the judgment that was coming to Belshazzar for not acknowledging God and using the dedicated vessels for the drinking of wine at his party.

We will use Belshazzar as a type of a lost person that is shaken by some tragedy or event in life and seeks help from the word of God. And in the end they do not believe the word of God regarding God and his judgment and refuse to do what is right.

The Writing on the Wall:

No one could read the writing or give the interpretation for the writing but Daniel. The word of God gives the interpretation in verses 25-28. We will use these interpretations to show the judgment that a lost man is under today.

MENE – God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it.

  • Whether we realize it or not our days are numbered and we should learn to count them and live as if they are numbered (Psalm 90:9-12)
  • Whether the number is great or small they will vanish quickly (James 4:14)
  • This word is repeated twice, I believe it is for emphasis.

TEKEL – Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting.

  • Contrary to popular belief our good works are not weighed against our bad works to see if we make it to heaven.
  • We are judged against Jesus Christ and his righteousness (Acts 17:21).
  • Our righteousness much match his righteousness (Romans 3:9-24).

PERES – Thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and the Persians.

  • This is what made Solomon hate life and this present world. (Ecclesiastes 2:17-19)
  • It is a difficult thing to live in this world and not be attached the key is to know what Daniel said in verse 23 regarding that it is really God who is in control.

The Result:

In verses 29-30 we see that Belshazzar did not believe the writing on the wall, the question for us today is DO WE?