What Should Make You Happy?

How to be a Happy Christian


                Being a Christian should be the key to happiness. So why are there so many unhappy Christians? (You can see them at church today, if you look, and if you ask, most will be glad to tell you) What things make you happy? There are probably things that make you happy but don’t really make God happy. There are things that make God happy and don’t make you happy. Doing the things that make God happy is the only way to make you a happy Christian. We are going to look at things that the Bible says should make you happy.


Verse 1, Separate yourself from the World         [2Cor.6:17-18]

The Deadly progression:      A cycle of doom you enter unawares

  • Walketh in the counsel of the ungodly (moving in the wrong direction- unrighteousness)
    • [Ps.146:5] Happy is he whose hope is in the Lord
    • [Prov.16:20] … is he who trusteth in the Lord
  • Standeth in the way of sinners ( stopping / staying in unrighteousness)
    • [Prov.28:14] happy is he that feareth the Lord
  • Sitteth in the seat of the scornful ( fixed in one position, and scorning righteousness)
    • [Prov.29:27] righteousness is an abomination to the wicked


Verse 2, Saturate yourself in the Word

  • His delight is in the law of the Lord
    • [Prov.3:13] … is he that findeth wisdom and getteth understanding
  • He meditates day and night
    • [James 1:21] Important so that you can engraft(make it part of you) the word into your life


Verse 3, Situate yourself by the Waters

  • Plant yourself – implies setting and growing strong roots
  • Bear fruit in his season – a plant only bears fruit when it is healthy and mature enough
  • Leaf shall not wither – you will be strong enough to withstand suffering [Jas.5:10-11]    [1 Pet.3:14-17]
  • Shall prosper – that should make bring happiness!