What God Is Doing

When men let you down, you must find out and follow what God is doing.  If you don’t follow what God is doing, you’re likely to make a big mistake in your judgment of the situation and your reaction to it.  For example:

Men will sin.  You won’t ever find a sinless man.  And when they sin, they will really let you down.  David messed up in a big way with Bathsheba.  We cannot in any way condone David’s actions with Bathsheba and, subsequently, with Uriah, 2 Sam 11.  Yet, when Nathan confronted David with his sin, God put away the sin and let David continue to reign over Israel.

Notice what took place many years later.  When Absalom usurped David’s throne, Ahithophel joined the rebellion.  He even counseled Absalom to send him and a group of soldiers to kill David. You see, Ahithophel was Bathsheba’s grandfather.  He had harbored such bitter resentment against David that he couldn’t accept that God would let David continue to reign.  Thus, when Hushai defeated Ahithophel’s counsel, Ahithophel went and hanged himself.  He should have accepted what God was doing rather than what he wanted to do.

Nathan’s reaction was very different than Ahithophel’s.  Nathan was the one who confronted David.  He knew from God what David had done.  Nevertheless, he bode his time to see what God is doing.  And so, late in David’s reign, Nathan stayed with David and didn’t join Adonijah’s attempt to take the throne before Solomon reigned, I Ki 1:8.  Turns out that God put David and Bathsheba’s son Solomon on the throne.  Nathan was very wise to wait and see what God was going to do.

Men will fall out with each other.  Paul and Barnabas had a falling out over Mark, Acts 15:36-41.  Their contention was very sharp.  So, they went their separate ways.  Yet, when Paul wrote to the Corinthians about Barnabas, 1 Cor 9:6, he mentioned Barnabas as a fellow minister.  Their falling out didn’t cause them to turn against each other.  As a matter of fact, near the end of Paul’s life, he wrote to Timothy that Mark was profitable to him for the ministry, 2 Tim 4:11.  Paul and Mark went their separate ways but they didn’t end their relationship.  They saw what God was doing and Mark became profitable to Paul’s ministry.

Men will fight.  In Judges 20, the tribes of Israel nearly wiped out the tribe of Benjamin.  In Jud 20:18, the Lord told Judah to go up first and lead the attack.  After 40,000 men in the eleven tribes had been killed in the first two attacks, the Lord smote Benjamin, Jud 20:35, and reduced them to a mere 600 men.

Nevertheless, in 1 Sam 9:1 and 16 we find that Saul, the first king of Israel, was from Benjamin.  Benjamin was the only tribe with Judah in the southern kingdom after the ten northern tribes split.  Mordecai, Est 2:5, was a Benjamite.  And in Rom 11:1, Paul was from Benjamin, Phil 3:5.  Better find out what God is doing.

When men have trouble with each other, wait and see what God is doing.  That’s the thing to do.  And in addition to this:

Don’t meddle with trouble that doesn’t belong to you, Prov 26:17.  Stay out of other men’s business.

Don’t be a talebearer, Prov 26:20-22. When you hear about some one having trouble with another person, don’t listen to the gossip and don’t repeat it.

Debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself, Prov 25:9-10.  If you are the one having trouble with someone else, take it up with him alone.  Don’t involve others; resolve it between you.

Do things decently and in order, 1 Cor 14:40.  There is no right way to do wrong.