The Servant of the Lord

The Servant of the Lord Deut 34:10-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Do you want to do great things for the Lord, if he has in mind for you to do great things for him?  The answer is generally, “Yes.”  Well, let’s look at some men in the Bible and see what great things they did and what made them great.

How about Moses, “What made Moses a great man?

  • Was it his miraculous infancy? Saved in the ark in the bulrushes
  • Was it his royal upbringing? Raised in Pharaoh’s household
  • Was it his divine calling? Called at the burning bush
  • Was it his wonderful signs? Brought the 10 plagues againstEgypt
  • Was it his unparalleled leadership? Led millions through the wilderness 40 years
  • Was it his supernatural fellowship? Talked with God face to face and mouth to mouth
  • Was it his unwavering faithfulness? Remained faithful to the end, Num 12:7

As great as these things were, they are not what made Moses the great man that he was.

How about Jesus, “What made Jesus a great man?

  • Was it his miraculous infancy? Born of a virgin
  • Was it his royal upbringing? Born King of the Jews
  • Was it his divine calling? The Holy Spirit descended upon him as a dove
  • Was it his wonderful signs? Raised the dead, cast out devils, cleansed lepers, etc
  • Was it his unparalleled leadership? Trained 12 disciples to preach worldwide
  • Was it his supernatural fellowship? Said, “I and the Father are one.”
  • Was it his unwavering faithfulness? Finished the work he came to do.

As great as these things were, they are not what made Jesus the great man that he was.

How about Paul, “What made Paul a great man?

  • Was it his miraculous infancy? Separated from his mother’s womb, Gal 1:15
  • Was it his royal upbringing? Raised a Pharisee of the Pharisees
  • Was it his divine calling? Called on the road toDamascus
  • Was it his wonderful signs? Sent handkerchiefs to heal people
  • Was it his unparalleled leadership? Became the apostle to the Gentiles
  • Was it his supernatural fellowship? Caught up to the third heaven
  • Was it his unwavering faithfulness? Kept the faith and finished his course

As great as these things were, they are not what made Paul the great man that he was.

What made these men great is the same thing that will make you great, truly as great as Moses, Jesus and Paul.  Do you know what it is?  Each one was a servant of the Lord.

Look at these references to their service to the Lord:

  • Moses – Deut 34:5, Jos 1:1, 2, 7, 13, 15
  • Jesus – Phil 2:7
  • Paul – Rom 1:1, Phil 1:1, Titus 1:1

And if you want to be great and do great things for the Lord then you need to be a servant of the Lord – Matt 20:25-28

Do you know what makes a servant so great? His Master – He does what his master wants done.

Look how these three accomplished what the Lord wanted them to do:

  • Moses – Ex 40:16, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 32, 33
  • Jesus – Jn 8:29
  • Paul – Acts 9:15-16, 2 Tim 4:7

For you and me, our verses are: Eph 6:5-8

If you want to do great things for the Lord, become a servant of the Lord and simply do each day exactly what he wants you to do.