The Lord is Good, Ps 34:8

In Ps 34:8 we read “that the Lord is good.”  Indeed he is.  And David didn’t just say that he is good.  He said, “O taste and see that the Lord is good.”  To “taste” that the Lord is good is to “become acquainted with his goodness by experience.”  And David gives us several things in this Psalm that demonstrate the Lord’s goodness.  

The Lord answers our prayers – Ps 34:4, 6, 15, 17 – When you pray to the Lord, he hears your prayers and he answers them.  He may not answer right away.  Often he has to arrange the circumstances, not only in your life but also, in the lives of others to answer your prayers.  So, wait for him to provide the best answer, not the one that is the most expedient.

The Lord delivers us from:

  • Our fears – Ps 34:4 – God hasn’t given us the spirit of fear and yet there are many things about which we are afraid.  Some fear for their children, some fear for their health, some fear for their employment, some fear whatever.  If you will take these things to the Lord he will deliver you from “all” your fears.
  • Our troubles – Ps 34:6 – life is filled with troubles.  David certainly had his share of troubles.  And he said that the Lord “saved him out of all his troubles.”  All of them.  And he’ll do that for you.  Many of us have had troubles in our lives.  And looking back, we see the hand of the Lord in delivering us from them.  One of our members said, “The Lord doesn’t always take the trouble from me; sometimes he takes me from the trouble.”
  • Our afflictions – Ps 34:19 – afflictions are things that cause you to suffer or that cause you pain.  David said that the Lord “delivereth him out of them all.”  Even Paul, when he had to testify all alone before Caesar, was delivered out of the mouth of the lion [2 Tim 4:16-17].

The Lord removes all our shame – Ps 34:5 – David did some things which were shameful.  We have done some things that were shameful.  Paul said about our past iniquities that these are “those things whereof ye are now ashamed,” [Rom 6:21].  Yet, even these the Lord removes so that we can stand before him unashamed.  Don’t look back; look forward [Phil 3:14].  The Lord loved us when we were sinners and he has cleaned us up so that we look like his children.  He’s so good.

The Lord provides our protection – Ps 34:7 – sometimes we become so accustomed to the protections of insurance, safety, alarms, money and so forth that we overlook what Solomon said, “safety is of the Lord,” [Prov 21:31].  You can sleep at night with the assurance that the Lord is looking out for you.  He is not only good; he’s the best!

The Lord supplies all our need – Ps 34:9-10 – there is no want to them that fear him.  They that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.  Paul said, “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus,” [Phil 4:19].  There is no need to worry about your necessities.  The Lord knows them better than you do and he will supply them.  

Conclusion: if you want to taste and see that the Lord is good:

  • Seek him – Ps 34:4, 10
  • Cry out to him – Ps 34:6
  • Fear him – Ps 34:7, 9
  • Trust him – Ps 34:8