The Essential Ministry of Prayer, Acts 1:14

Prayer is Essential

Prayer is an essential ministry of the church.  Don’t underestimate the value of the Wednesday night prayer meeting or the special prayer “warriors” who pray for special needs throughout the week.  

Prayer is essential for unity – Acts 1:14 – the disciples were meeting with one accord, Acts 2:42-46.  Praying together keeps the church in unity.

Prayer is essential for direction – Acts 1:24 – the Lord shewed who he wanted to replace Judas Iscariot.  In Acts 10:9, through prayer, Peter knew that he needed to go with Cornelius’ servants.

Prayer is essential for boldness – Acts 4:31-33 – with great power they gave witness of the gospel.  And they were of one heart and one soul [see unity, above].  One of the great ministries of the church is your individual testimony and witness to your neighbors, co-workers, relatives, friends, and acquaintances.  We need boldness when we witness.

Prayer is essential for the ministry of the word – Acts 6:4 – we can’t preach and teach effectively without prayer.  Tat’s why the apostles gave themselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the word.  You can pray for the preaching and teaching, as well.  

Prayer is essential for divine intervention – Acts 12:5, 12 – Peter was released from prison by the angel of God.  Saints had been praying continually at John Mark’s mother’s house.  Prayer requests sent by email or text. 

Prayer is essential for missions – Acts 13:2-4 – through prayer and fasting Paul and Barnabas were sent out.  Through prayer churches were planted [Acts 14:21-23].  In Rom 15:30, churches prayed to God for Paul.

Conclusion: Prayer is an essential ministry of the church.  Be encouraged to continue to pray fervently and effectually for these things we’ve seen in the Bible today.