The Christian Walk Rom. 6:1-8

The Christian Walk Rom. 6:1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

This sermon is about the Christian Walk.  As Christians we are to walk in:

Newness of life – Rom 6:4 – obviously you cannot walk in newness of life until you have been born again.  However, once you are born again your walk should be 180 degrees different than before you were saved because you are now walking with the Lord and contrary to the world.  The boundaries of your Christian walk then become the following:

  • Jesus – Col 2:6 – you’re not trying to get Jesus to go everywhere you go but you wake up each day ready to walk with him where he’s going – any place you want to go that is outside of where he wants to go is not a place for you.
  • The Spirit – Gal 5:16 – you are to walk in the Spirit who walks contrary to the lust of your flesh – any place the lust of your flesh wants to take you that is contrary to where the Spirit of God wants to lead you is “out of bounds.”
  • The Fear of God – Acts 9:31 – the Lord God is everywhere beholding the evil and the good – there is not a place where you can hide from God to do something that he doesn’t see – any place you walk where God would be displeased is not a place for you.
  • The Truth – 3 Jn 4 – the fourth boundary is the word of God – the Bible shows you clearly what is permissible and what is not – your Christian walk should not take you toward anything that is not permitted by the word of God for Christians.

The Light – 1 Jn 1:7 – the light is over your life – each of the four “boundaries” above is inseparably connected with light – Jesus is the light of the world – the Spirit is typified by the candlestick in the temple which gives light – the Lord God is light – and the word of God is a light and giveth light – everything on the outside of the boundaries is in darkness – when you walk in darkness like the wicked you know not at what you stumble – in the light you can see where to walk as it leads you the way the Lord led Israel through the wilderness.

Wisdom – Col 4:5 – when you are not sure which way to go or how to proceed, always ask God for wisdom – and then when he gives it to you, walk in his wisdom and not in your own,

Love – Eph 5:2 – always walk in love for the sake of those with whom you come in contact along this path – you need to walk in love toward the Lord, toward your brothers and sisters in Christ and toward the lost, that they may know Jesus, also.

Conclusion: if you are not saved then you need to be saved so that you can walk in newness of life – if you are saved and your walk has been contrary to God, you need to start walking where the Lord is leading you.