Redeemed, Purified, Born Again, 1 Pet 1:18-25

In 1 Pet 1:18-25, we find three things that happened to you when you were saved.  You were redeemed [1 Pet 1:18].  You were purified [1 Pet 1:22].  You were born again [1 Pet 1:23].  In this lesson, we will study these three.  You were: Redeemed by the precious blood...

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Symptoms of a Hard Heart Prov. 28:14

Symptoms of a Hard Heart Prov.28:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Symptoms of a Hard Heart Proverbs 28:14               Why is it, that we can easily see a hard heart is someone else? In the ministry we see young and old alike harden their own heart against the things of...

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