The Kingdom Study : Introduction

The Kingdom Study Introduction In this study we are going to be looking at one of the main themes of the Bible which is the kingdom. This study will look in depth at the kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. It will show you that contrary to many...

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Isaiah 40:1-4 Comfort Ye My People

Comfort Ye My People Is. 40 1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is commonly taught that the Book of Isaiah matches the Bible in many respects.  It has 66 chapters and the Bible has 66 books.  There are 39 books in the Old Testament and there is a definite break in...

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Converging Kingdoms Matt. 3:2; Mark 1:14

Converging Kingdoms Matt. 3:1 Mark 1:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This study of converging kingdoms is about the coming of the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God and why there is a distinction between the righteousness which is of the law [or what is commonly referred to as “Old...

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Two Kingdoms

Two Kingdoms CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the New Testament there are two kingdoms being preached.  There is the kingdom of heaven, which is only found in Matthew’s gospel [mentioned 31 times], and the kingdom of God.  John preached “… the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” [Matt 3:1-2].  Jesus preached...

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Matthew 23:13-15 Hypocritical Pharisees

The Pharisees were hypocrites and the Lord spared nothing in giving them a scathing rebuke in this chapter. A hypocrite is someone who pretends to be something he’s not; someone who pretends to be virtuous and pious. The Lord saw through their outward show and cut them to their heart...

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Matthew 13:31-32 A Grain of Mustard Seed

Matt 13:31-32 A Grain of Mustard Seed CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This parable is not only applied to the kingdom of heaven, it is also applied to the kingdom of God. It has dual application, then. The parable of the kingdom of heaven show us what will happen as the antichrist’s...

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Matthew 11:16-30 If Ye will Receive the Kingdom

Jesus had been preaching the kingdom of heaven and so had John the Baptist. Jesus had just explained to the Jews that if they would receive the kingdom (vs. 12-14) then John fulfilled the prophecy concerning Elijah coming before the Lord (Mal 4:5). Hence, he was ready to set up...

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