Dagon 1 Sam. 5:1-5

 Dagon 1 Sam. 5:1-5  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Dagon is the fish god of the Philistines.  It is interesting when the ark is put in the house of Dagon that the statue falls to the ground before the ark.  And on the next day it is on the ground again but this time...

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Deception, Mark 13:5

Deception Mark 13:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are told that before the coming of the Lord, during the time in which we are living now, we are to beware of deception.  So it is important that we learn about deception so that we can keep from being deceived.  Notice from...

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Teach Them the Manner, 2 Ki 17:24-33

Teach Them the Manner 2Ki 17:24-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The king of Assyria conquered Israel and took the inhabitants of the cities of Samaria captive.  He removed them from the land and replaced them with men from other countries [2 Ki 17:24].  These emigrants didn’t know God and they...

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Snares, 2 Tim 2:26

Snares 2 Tim 2:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are a number of snares in the Bible of which you must be aware.  You can get hung in one of these and never get out.  Here are some snares for which to watch out: The snare of the devil – 1...

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They Killed Each Other, 1 Sam 14:16

They Killed Each Other 1 Sam. 14:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jonathan and his armor bearer attacked a garrison of the Philistines, they killed about 20 men [1 Sam 14:14].  But after that, a great multitude died when they killed each other.  In battle, there are times when the...

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People Who Can Deceive You, Gal 6:7

We are preaching a two-part sermon on deception.  In the prior broadcast we studied things that deceive you.  Today, we are going to discuss people who can deceive you.  In Matt 24:4, Jesus said, “Take heed that no man deceive you.”  Notice the people who can deceive you: You can...

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Bad Music, Ezek 28:13

Bad Music Ezek. 28:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is there really bad music in the Bible?  Yes. In the Bible, you find two different “lines” of music, throughout.  One line comes from the Lord even before creation and it continues all the way out into eternity.  The other line comes...

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How the Devil Attacks Christians, Eph 6:10-18

How the Devil Attacks Christians Eph. 6:10-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the devil has many devices in his arsenal and we are not to be ignorant of his devices [2 Cor 2:11].  Therefore, we are to understand how the devil attacks Christians.  We can tell how the...

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Overcome the Wicked One, 1 Jn 2:12-14

Overcome The Wicked One 1 Jn 2:12-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO John said to the young men in 1 Jn that ye have overcome the wicked one [1 Jn 2:13-14].  And this is true of born again believers [1 Jn 5:12-13].  Now once you have overcome the wicked one through salvation...

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Moral Character, Job 2:3-9

Moral Character Job 2:3-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Among Christians there is a tendency to relegate moral character to spirituality.  As a result, many of the problems that you have experienced in your life could have been avoided altogether if your moral character were stronger.  But since you see every problem...

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