A study in the book of Esther : Lesson #4 A lesson in wrath from Haman

A Study in the Book of Esther : Lesson #4 A Lesson in Wrath from Haman

In this lesson we are going to continue to look at spiritual lesson for us from the book of Esther. In this lesson we will see an example of how dangerous wrath and anger can be in our lives. We will look at this by studying Haman in chapters 5 -7.

In chapter 5 we see that Esther goes in to see the king and the king accepts her into the inner court. The king asks Esther what her request is and she replies by asking him and Haman to a banquet that she has prepared for them.  They go to the banquet and the king again asks Esther what her request is and her reply is for the king and Haman to go to another banquet on the next day that she will prepare for them.

Haman leaves so excited and feeling honored that he is the only one who Esther as asked to the banquet. But as he leaves he see Mordecai and Mordecai doesn’t stand up or move for him the word of God says that he is full of indignation against Mordecai. As a result of this indignation we see that Haman goes home and tells his friends and family what blessing and honor he has received but that it means nothing as long as Mordecai the Jew is sitting at the king’s gate. Haman is then counseled by his family and friends to build a gallows and hang Mordecai on it, and this pleases Haman.

For the sake of this study of the dangers of wrath and anger in our life we will look ahead and see that at the end of chapter 7 we see that Haman is the one who ends up being hanged on the gallows that he built instead of Mordecai. Now let us look at anger and wrath and see how it is so dangerous in our lives.

It is important to note that Haman is said to be full of two things in the book of Esther. One is Wrath (Esther 3:5) and the other is Indignation (Esther 5:9). We will define each of these below.

Wrath – Violent Anger, vehement exasperation and indignation. Effects of anger.*

Indignation – Extreme anger, mingled with contempt, disgust or abhorrence.*

*{Both definitions are from “The Dictionary of the American Language” Noah Webster, 1828}

Now these two definitions seem to be the same and that is because they are closely related. One could define them as indignation is being very angry, while wrath is the actions that result from that anger. Remember being angry is not a sin. Jesus was angry (Mark 3:5) but he did not sin. This is why the word God says that we should be angry and sin not (Ephesians 4:26).

Warning from the word of God about Wrath :

1)  Cease and forsake it (Psalm 37:8)

  • Here we see a direct command from the word of God to forsake wrath and cease from anger and not even to think about doing evil.
  • This is one of the main problems with anger and wrath is that in the end it leads us to think and do evil. Note that the thought that please Haman was to do hang Mordecai.

2)  It is cruel and outrageous and no one can withstand what comes from it (Proverbs 27:1-4)

  • Note the first thing said in this passage is that we should not boast of what we will do tomorrow. Haman could have learned from this verse because if he would have known what would happen to him on the next day in chapters 6 &7 he would have done differently.
  • The last thing said in verse 4 is “who is able to stand before envy”. Envy is very hard to separate from anger and wrath as we see in this passage. Remember it was for envy that they delivered Jesus and they wanted him destroyed because they couldn’t stand him.
  • All three of these can lead to problems for us in life this is why it is best to avoid them at all cost.

3)  It is a work of the flesh (Galatians 5:20)

  • If you want to see what God thinks about wrath note the things he associated it within the list of the works of the flesh given in Galatians 5:19-21.

Warnings from the words of God about anger :

1)  Self control is better than strength and might (Proverbs 16:32)

  • This is an excellent proverb for it shows us a very interesting truth. The man who can keep calm and not get angry and lose his composer is better than a stronger or mightier man who cannot.
  • This is what happens to athletes when another player trash talks them they get angry and cannot play very well. Anger also causes people who cannot take reproof well to never prosper as they should.
  • We must learn to control our anger or it will becomes wrath in our lives which leads to our own destruction.

2)  Anger is said to rest in the bosom of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:9)

  • Notice here that the word of God equates angery men with fools. This makes sense because most people act or say the most foolish things when they are angry and then later regret them.

3)  It should be put away from us (Ephesians 4:31)

  • Here we see that we are to put anger away from us as in this passage it is one of the things that quenches the Holy Spirit.

The end result of wrath and anger for Haman was that he was hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai, therefore he self-destructed. This is usually what happens when we let anger and wrath abide in us we will self destruct.

Teens today that are mad at their parent or other authority figures in their lives self destruct all the time. Think about it, kids says they are going to show their parents by running away or doing what they want to no matter what and they end up homeless, drug addicts, pregnant, or fathering an unwanted baby. They really got back at their parents. What about kids that quit sports because they are mad at the coach, they are the ones not getting to play. But we even see this in adults who quit church or serving God because the pastor said something they didn’t like or agree with or someone else hurt their feelings.

In the end the one whom anger and wrath hurts the most is the person who is consumed with it. Just as we see in the case of Haman the word of God will come true. We will list some verses that show us the end of anger and wrath and the destruction it can bring us.

Job 5:2 (Wrath kills the foolish man and envy slays the silly one)

Proverbs 22:8 (Sow iniquity, reap vanity and the rod of your anger shall fail)

Haman’s rod of anger failed to hit Mordecai, but in return he reaped the rod of anger upon himself. Let us learn from this and never be a Haman.


A Study in the Book of Esther : Lesson #4 A Lesson in Wrath from Haman


1)  What is the thing that gives Haman such pride and joy in chapter 5?


2)  What ruins it for him?


3) What are the two things that Haman is said to be full of in the book of Esther?


4)  What are some of the warnings from the word of God concerning wrath?


5)  What are some of the warnings from the word of God concerning anger?


6)  List the scriptures showing that the word of God came true in Haman’s life just as it will in ours if we let wrath and indignation rule our lives.