Refuse and Choose

Refuse and Choose


Good choices will change your life. Jesus learned to make the correct choices and lived a sinless life. [Lk.2:40] “and the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.” [Lk.2:52] “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man”

At the beginning of any new year people reflect back on the past year and make “resolutions” to do better in the new year. Normally nothing changes. My charge to you is to begin to make good choices, plain and simple. It will change your life.

The following are Choices:

[Prov.28:20] Faithfulness – shall abound with blessings [1Cor.4:2] faihfulness is required in a steward; a steward takes care of someone else’s stuff. God is going to require you to be faithful before he allows you to have things(blessings) to take care of. You choose what things you are faithful to, choose good.

[Eph.2:4-7] Kindness – God showed his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus – His Choice! [Col.3:12] We are to choose to be kind [Eph.4:32] We are kind because He chose to be kind.  You choose when and where to be kind.

[Eph.4:32] Forgiveness – Once again God choose to forgive you! [Col.3:13] Choose to forgive, [Heb.12:15] lest any root of bitterness springing up…. There is no acceptable reason not to forgive someone. Choose the good, forgive.

[Col.3:14] Charity – the bond of perfectness [Matt.5:43-48] that ye may be perfect [Gal.6:2] …so fulfill the law of Christ [Gal.5:14] fulfilled in one word…charity, loving others [2Cor.8:10-11] charity is the “doing of it”

[1Pet.4:9] Hospitality – one to another without grudging [Rom.12:13] given to, meaning like a habit  [1Tim.3:2] [Tit.1:8] requirements of a bishop It will cost you something to be hospitable, money and time!

[Rom.6:16] Obedience – Who do you choose to serve?  [Heb.12:5-6,11] God your father may persuade you to obey! But you still choose. [Heb.5:8] Jesus refused evil and choose good, he learned obedience by the things he suffered