Rapture Looking for Jesus

The Doctrine of the Rapture CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 

Looking for Jesus does something for you.  It:

Tit 2:12-14 Keeps you motivated – it keeps you going until you finish what God has called you to do – when I cycle and feel myself dragging, finishing in time causes me to pick up the  pace – when you think about the imminent return of Jesus, it causes you to pick up the pace to finish the assignment you have from the Lord

1 Thes 2:19-20 Keeps you soul conscious – it keeps you witnessing for Christ – a preacher observed an electromagnetic crane pick up scrap steel out of a railcar – some of the “steel” feel from the crane back into the car – upon examination, the preacher realized that the scrap that fell was not “steel” but rather plastic and wood – like the rapture, the objects with the right components were taken and the others were left behind

Phil 4:5 Keeps you balanced – it keeps your perception on the things of the Lord without going “overboard” – not heading to the mountains to wait on his return and not rooted into the earth – Jesus said “occupy till I come”

1 Jn 3:1-3 Keeps you clean – it keeps you in good fellowship with the Lord because it encourages you to stay clean – afterall, he could come anytime

1 Thes 4:16-17 Keeps you prepared – it keeps you from being surprised when he gets here – D.L. Moody said that he never preached a sermon without thinking that the Lord may return before he could preach another, therefore he gave each sermon his best – G. Campbell Morgan never began his work without thinking that the Lord might interrupt his work and begin his own; he wasn’t looking for death; he was looking for HIM