Office of a Bishop, Cont’d 1 Tim. 3:1-7

Office of a Bishop 1 Tim. 3:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

A Bishop is a pastor.  The title Bishop refers to his office, while the terms, elder and pastor, refer to his oversight and ministry, respectively.  Last week we discussed the qualities of his character, his conversation and his convictions.  Today, we will continue looking at his convictions and we will also see his control and his capability.  This is the continuation of a two part message.

His convictions – “Not greedy of filthy lucre,” see 1 Pet 5:2; 1 Tim 6:10; though he is entitled to be paid by those to whom he ministers, 1 Cor 9:11-14.  “Not covetous,” see Col 3:5.  This stems primarily from envy [2 Cor 10:12].

His control – “no striker,” he doesn’t have to smite to be in control.  Nevertheless, he may want to [Neh 13:25].  “Patient,” resulting from charity [1 Cor 13:1-8] and the fruit of the Spirit, [Gal 5:22-23].  “One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity,” see Eph 6:1-4.  The point is 1 Tim 3:5.  See his rule in Heb 13:7, 17.  Keep in mind that a man may rule his family well and his children may still not turn out right [1 Sam 8:1-3].

His capability – “apt to teach,” see Eph 4:11.  A pastor is a pastor and teacher.  “Not a novice,” he must be proven [Gal 6:4; 2 Tim 4:5], otherwise, his pride might get him [1 Pet 5:6-8].

Conclusion: you will find a similar list of qualities in Titus 1:5-9.  Men who have these qualities generally make good pastors.  Therefore, these lists can be used to determine the suitability of a man who desires the office of a bishop.  However, most pastors, if not all, miss on a point or two in the list.  Therefore, the list shouldn’t be used by men to disqualify someone whom God has called just because they are looking for an excuse to get rid of him.