Ministry Opportunities, Eph 2:10

According to Eph 2:10, Titus 2:14, Col 3:23-25, Matt 20:25-28, we are Gods servants, humbly, joyfully, charitably, and zealously serving Jesus Christ.  However, it can be frustrating to know you should serve the Lord in our church but not know what ministry opportunities you have to serve.

As it turns out, we have numerous ministry opportunities in our local church to serve the Lord.  Here are just some of the ministry opportunities.

Pray.  Lk 2:37 particularly we have the opportunity for a Widows’ Prayer Ministry.  I know many of you pray for urgent requests in our prayer group.  And many of you pray during our Wednesday night prayer meeting.  However, we have the need for those to pray who have lots of time in the day and night.  You cannot even imagine the effectiveness of such prayer. 

Sow and Reap.  Jn 4:35-38 we need Sowers and Reapers.  This Spring we will return to the sea wall to pass out tracts and do personal work among those walking and sitting along the sea wall.  We can go at different times of the afternoon if we have too many people.  We can sow at the parade and other events.  The need is great and the opportunities abound.

Invite folks to church.  Lk 14:23 you can invite anyone you know or meet to come to church.  We are just about finished designing an invitation tract that will be printed soon.  It will help facilitate your invitations.  And we will plan some special evangelistic services to which you can invite people. 

Greet folks at church.  Jas 2:1-4 you can greet visitors at the door, offer them a visitor packet, introduce them to some members and their children to Sunday school classes, and greet them in the foyer after church.  It is a blessing to feel welcome when visiting a church for the first time.

Minister.  Rom 12:7, Heb 6:10 you can minister to folks in need.  The elderly, widows, widowers, bereaved, and sick need encouragement and help.  You can send cards, prepare and deliver food, make repairs, offer rides, etc.  The needs are plentiful and the ministry opportunities abound.

Help.  Rom 16:3, 9 you can be a helper.  We can use help particularly in children’s ministries and VBS.  You can prepare object lessons, skits and puppets, and crafts and learning aids.  Children remember best with these aids.  And they want to learn when they are having fun.

Conclusion: Take the time to prayerfully consider how God has created you for good works.  See where you believe God is leading you to serve.  In what area can you best serve the Lord joyfully, humbly, charitably and zealously.