Look For The Saviour Phil. 3:17-21

Look for The Saviour Phil. 3:17-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Paul said to look for the Saviour [Phil 3:20].  Jesus is returning one day soon.  While we look for the Saviour, we should follow the instructions Paul gave us in Phil 4.  While looking for the Saviour, we should:

Stand fast in the Lord – Phil 4:1 – all the world is in apostasy.  Everything is going “downhill” as we approach the return of Jesus.  Therefore, we must not give up any ground in our walk with the Lord.

Labor for the Lord – Phil 4:3, 3:17, 4:9 – find that area of service that the Lord has for you and busy yourself with the things God has for you to do.  You cannot complete all the tasks that come to mind each day; but you can complete all that the Lord has for you to do each day.

Rejoice in the Lord – Phil 4:4 – your greatest joy is in the Lord himself.  Rejoice in him, rather than in all the vain things of the world.  Until you break free of some of these things and seek the joy that comes from God alone, you won’t know this great joy.

Pray to the Lord – Phil 4:6 – we have the greatest opportunity in the world to talk daily and continually with the Creator of the universe.  You cannot speak with the political, medical and business powers of the world, but you can talk with their maker any time of the day or night.  And unlike them, he can do whatever you need him to do and what he does for you will always be the best.

Think on the Lord – Phil 4:8 – our minds are inundated with all kinds of thoughts.  Eliminate these vain thoughts and fill you mind with thoughts of the Lord.  You worry and are troubled by much of what you hear and imagine.  Settle your mind on the things of God.

Give to the Lord – Phil 4:10-17 – the greatest way to secure your finances is to give cheerfully to the Lord.  Those who give are blessed with both joy in giving and sufficiency for their needs.  Furthermore, the great need of those ministering around the world is supplied by the Lord through our giving.

Conclusion: these are simple instructions from Paul to those who look for the Saviour.