Lessons from the Storm Mark 4:35-41

Lessons from the Storm Mark 4:35-41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In this passage we see the miracle of Jesus calming the wind and the sea. In this sermon we will take some spiritual applications from the passage to help us with the storms that come into our lives.

Lessons from the Storm:

1)  Even Jesus goes through the storms (verse 36)

  • Storms are just a part of life, but if you are a saved person then you have Jesus on board with you.
  • Note in Acts 27:1-20 Paul goes through a storm that he tried to get the captain of the ship to avoid. Many times parents will go through storms that their kids involve them in.
  • Whether the storm is our fault or not we can still learn some things from the storm.

2)  Storms expose our fears (verse 40)

  • Note the disciples had their command from the Lord that they were going to the other side.
  • Just like the disciples we have commands from God but when the going gets tough our circumstances take our confidence from the word and we begin to fear.
  • Don’t abandon what you know is right just because of the circumstances.

3)  Peace can only be found in the storm (verse 39)

  • Without storms we would not know real peace.
  • True peace comes from Jesus and his word (John 14:27 ; 16:33 ; Romans 5:1; Philippians 4:7)
  • During the storm it is the word of God alone that will bring peace. We sometimes try everything else under the sun to get out of the storm and sometimes God just wants us to trust him and his word and have peace through the storm.
  • Note the first time the word peace occurs in a King James Bible is in Genesis 15:15 and it is speaking about having peace at death.
  • Art contest for painting a picture of peace. Winner said “Peace isn’t the absence of turmoil, rather it is found only in the midst of turmoil.”

4)  The key to overcoming the storm is our faith (verse 40-41)

  • In Matthew’s account Jesus said “O ye of little faith”
  • In Mark’s account we see Jesus asking “Why is it that ye have no faith”
  • In Luke’s account we see Jesus asking “Where is your faith”
  • When our faith is somewhere other than Jesus and his word, then we will not have peace.

Whatever storms God sends your way trust him and let him teach you the things he wants to show you through the storms.