Joy of Walking in Light 1 John 1:1-10

Joy of Walking in Light 1 John 1:1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

We’re preaching about the joy of walking in light [1 Jn 1:4-7].  Paul tells us that we are children of light and admonishes us that we should walk in light [Eph 5:8-14].  You find the joy of walking in light by:

Staying in fellowship with Jesus – 1 Jn 1:3 – Jesus is the light of the world.  When you are in darkness, coming into the fullness of his light is like someone turning on bright lights to wake you out of a deep sleep.  He is too bright.  But when you walk in his light through fellowship with him and you have nothing to hide from him, your fellowship is sweet and your heart is filled with joy.

Staying in fellowship with believers – 1 Jn 1:3 – fellow believers who are walking in light are some of the greatest people on earth.  When you are in darkness you don’t want anything to do with God’s people.  But when you are in light, you find some of your greatest joy being in fellowship with others who are walking in the same light with you.

Staying cleansed from sin – 1 Jn 1:7-10 – confessing your sin keeps you in light.  Adam and Eve hid from the Lord after they sinned.  There was no joy in that.  Having a clean slate with God brings great joy.  Confessing your sin to God is simply a matter of admitting to God and agreeing with God that something you thought, did or didn’t do was a transgression against him.  You come to him with it before he chastises you for it.  It’s like admitting to your parents something you did wrong before they even ask you about it.  There is great joy in that clean relationship between you and God.

Staying separate from the world – 1 Jn 2:15-17 – the world is in darkness and it is no fun for a child of light to vacillate between the world and the Lord.  Many Christians want to live in the world and enjoy the pleasures of the world throughout the week.  And then they want to come to church on Sunday and pretend that they are enjoying the Lord in the light.  That’s hypocrisy and it is void of joy.  Pick one or the other.  The pleasure of sin in this dark world with its evil deeds is no comparison with the joy of walking in the light of God’s presence separate from the world.

Conclusion: if you aren’t in the light yet, then believe on the name of Jesus Christ [1 Jn 3:23] and find the joy of walking in light with Jesus.