How to Live (A Study in Ecclesiastes) Lesson #12 Using What is in Your Hand

How to Live (A Study in Ecclesiastes)

 Lesson #12: Using What is in Your Hand (Ecclesiastes 9:10-13)

 When we started this series we stated that you have to be careful with the book of Ecclesiastes because it is written from the view point of man. We said that we could not take everything in it doctrinally for us today. Verse 10 is a good example of this. Someone could look at verse 10 and say that their hands are good at stealing therefore they should do it to with all there might. This may seem like an extreme example but when it comes to justifying themselves and their actions people do strange things these days. Let us look at some examples of people in the Bible who used what was in their hands to accomplish great things for the Lord.

What can we learn from this passage?

First of all the passage is saying that there is no work in the grave. Therefore the reason we should work hard is that we have very little time in which to accomplish things. Remember life is short (James 4:14).

Note also that the passage is saying time and chance happens to all men and both are taken sometimes in an evil net (verses 11-12). The other reason that we should work hard is that not only is life short but we have no idea when it will end. Therefore if we are going to do something for the Lord we had better do it today for we are not promised tomorrow (James 4:15).

Examples of those who used what was in their hands for the Lord:

 1)  Moses (Exodus 4:1-5)

  • When God called Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt Moses was tending sheep for his father-in-law. Therefore he had the rod already in his hand.
  • It was this rod that was used mightily by Moses not only in leading the children of Israel out of Egypt but in getting them through the wilderness.

2)  Samson (Judges 15:14-20)

  • Samson picks up a jawbone of an ass and kills 1000 Philistines. This may not seem like good weapon for waging war, but when something is used with the power of God, it can accomplish great things.

3)  David (1 Samuel 16:38-49)

  • Here we see a combination of the first two things. Something that David had used many times (his sling and stone) therefore he was very familiar with it as Moses was with his rod. And something that looked like a kid’s toy when compared to Goliath’s armor, like Samson using the jawbone of an ass.
  • But the thing to remember is what it is being used for and who is behind it.

4)  Jesus (John 6:1-14)

  • In this miracle Jesus takes 5 loaves and 2 fishes and feeds over 5000 people with 12 baskets of left overs.
  • This is a great example to us that what we have in our hands may not look like much with such a great need but when we give it to God he can multiply it beyond our wildest imagination.

Life Lesson:

 Our life lesson from this passage is twofold. First we must use what is in our hand for the Lord. Maybe you can cook, sing, draw, fix things, speak well, make people laugh, play an instrument or whatever, if you give it to God not only can he use it but he can use it mightily. Secondly whatever we are going to do for God we do not have much time, therefore whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might.


How to Live (A Study in Ecclesiastes)

 Lesson #12: Using What is in Your Hand (Ecclesiastes 9:10-13)

 1)  What are two things that we can learn from this passage?


2)  Give some examples from the Bible of God using what was in someone’s hand to accomplish something great.


3)  What is the life lesson for us from this passage?