Helpful Daily Instruction

Introduction: In this lesson we are going to see four things that the Believer is commanded to do. These four things will keep us from getting into trouble with other people and with worldly things. 

  1. Abstain from all Appearance of Evil– I Thessalonians 5:22 “Abstain from all appearance of evil”. Not only are we to stay from evil itself, but we are also to stay away from anything that even appears evil. 
    • “old Fashion”- I won’t give another woman a ride.
    • The NKJV got this wrong and says “Abstain from every form of evil” 
    • The NIV got this wrong and says “Avoid every kind of evil”. 
    • II Corinthians 8:20-21 Paul had several men helping him take the money from church to church so that they couldn’t be accused of stealing, or embezzlement. This is abstaining from all appearance of evil in the sight of men. 
    • I Peter 2:12 good works glorify God and an appearance of Evil discredits the believer and can get him/her in trouble. 
    • Money, opposite sex, wrong place, stealing, etc. 
  1. Avoid Profane and Vain Babblings– I Timothy 6:20 Essentially turn away from men and their teachings when they stand against Christ and the teachings of God’s Word. 
    • Profane means irreverent, polluted, obscene, godless talk
    • Vain means- empty, worthless, having no substance, value or importance
    • Babblings- foolish talk 
    • Have nothing to do with foolish talk, turn away from it. Cursing, criticism, suggestive talk, off-colored jokes, gossip, all forms of false teaching, worldly philosophy. 
    • II Timothy 2:16-18 If it’s not avoided: 
      • It will increase unto more ungodliness- Vs 16. 
      • It will eat as doth a canker-corrode, corrupt, consume, infect, pollute vs 17. 
      • It will make you err from the truth Vs 18. 
    • Ephesians 5:6-7 “Let no man deceive you with vain words”. 
  1. Be gentle to all Men– II Timothy 2:24 “but be gentle unto all men”. Gentle is kind, reasonable, considerate, soft, tender. 
    • Gentle when people oppose him, he doesn’t react, but reaches out in gentleness. 
    • Gentle when he has to correct people and point out their weaknesses, he is not mean but gentle. 
    • Gentle to all men- Titus 3:2 “but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men”. 
    • Gentle to the Lost- I Thessalonians 2:7 “But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children”. Vs 2- Paul was gentle to these Thessalonians when they were lost and contentious. 
    • When street preaching, one on one, in a group. 
    • We have a tendency as Bible believers to have no gentleness, especially with things pertaining to the Bible. 
  1. Be Content with what You Have– Hebrews 13:5 A believer is to be content with what he has. This does not mean that a believer is no to improve himself, nor work and make money, and be wise in investments. Contentment- an uncomplaining acceptance of one’s share. 
    • We are to be content with our Jobs, position, ability, opportunities. Be content with home, possessions, clothing, goods and everything else we have. 
    • Contentment is Learned- Philippians 4:11 
    • Contentment is found in having food and raiment- I Timothy 6:6-8 

Conclusion: There are some things in the Bible that God wants us to do and not to do, which are clearly stated. As we have seen, we should avoid all appearance of evil, avoid profane and vain babbling, we should be gentle to all men, and be content with what we have.