What  God wants you to lay up for the future? Gen. 41:46-48

What God wants you to lay up for the future? Gen. 41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

God told Joseph to lay up  for the future bad years to come. We all know the story how it worked out in a way to save the nation of Israel. There are things that God wants you to lay up for the future and some things that God doesn’t want you to lay up for the future . He also has laid up some things for his children just like a good parent should. [2 cor.12:14]

Do Not lay Up

Physical Goods

– [Luke 12:15-21] What God wants you to lay up for the future is not Physical Goods to the extent that you depend on them instead of God. [Job 1:21]And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.

Spiritual Goods

– Luke 19:11-27] your pound in a napkin, there needs to be some increase for the Lord. [Romans 12:3] Just like that pound everyone gets a measure of faith, how’s your increase? The Lord will ask “what did you do with what I gave you?”

We Should Lay Up

[Prov.7:1] His Commandments, Store up the do’s and don’ts till they are habit.

[Deu.11:18] His Words – [Job 23:12]Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. [1 Pet.2:2] As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: [Ps.119:4] “thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee”

[Proverbs 10:14] Knowledge, store up all you can now for future reference.

[Matt.6:19-20] Treasures in Heaven, where is your heart?

God Has Laid Up

[Proverbs 2:7] Sound Wisdom – [James 1:5] Just Ask [James3:17] The wisdom we need

[2 Tim.4:8] Crown of Righteousness , (love his appearing)– one of Five crowns

[James 1:12] Crown of Life (enduring temptation)

[1 Thes.2:17-20] Crown of Rejoicing (soul winner)

[1 Pet.5:4] Crown of Glory ( Pastor)

[1 Cor.9:24-27] Incorruptible Crown – Temperance (fight the flesh)

[Col. 1:5] Hope – [1 Pet.1:4] your inheritance

[Ps.31:19] Goodness – [1 Cor.2:9] the Lord has some good things prepared, [Jn.14:1-3] a mansion!

[Ps.52:1] ….endureth continually [Romans 2:4] …riches of his goodness….leadeth the to repentance