Five of the Greatest Men in the Bible Ezek.14:14

Five of the Greatest Men in the Bible Ezek. 14:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In Ezek 14:14 and in Jer 15:1 you read about five of the greatest men in the Bible.  They are Noah, Daniel, Job, Moses and Samuel.  They were great because of their righteousness and because of their intercession.  These were men who stood in the gap for someone else and God was entreated for them in a way unparalleled by other men.

These three were righteous and by their righteousness each delivered someone.

Noah delivered his family – Gen 6:8, 9, 18 – Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord because of his righteousness among other things – not only did he deliver his own family but he attempted to deliver others even though they disregarded his preaching, 2 Pet 2:5; Heb 11:7 – by his preaching he condemned the world and by his righteous obedience, he delivered his family – Lot wasn’t so fortunate to save his family.

Job delivered his friends – Job 42:7-9 – after a long and arduous battle with the devil, Job came out on top by humbling himself before the Lord – when he exalted his righteousness he couldn’t win, but when he did the right thing and humbled himself, he came out victorious – he spoke of the Lord the thing that is right [v.7] – his friends didn’t – and even though they tormented him about his righteousness most of the way through his battle, Job prayed for them and God turned away from dealing with them after their folly.

Daniel delivered his fellow citizens – Dan 6:4, 25-28; Ezra 1:1-4 – after the king’s decree which criminalized Daniel’s prayer life, Daniel continued to pray toward Jerusalem [1 Ki 8:44-50] – when his accusers forced the king to throw Daniel in the lion’s den – the result was that the king realized the glory and power of Daniel’s God – undoubtedly in his high position Daniel was instrumental in gaining favor for his people with Cyrus – he did the right thing in praying and the captives eventually went home.

These two were great intercessors and turned away God’s wrath from Israel when Israel rejected the Lord.

Moses interceded for Israel when they chose an idol – Ex 32:9-14, 31-32 – Moses stood in the gap between God and Israel and spared them from God’s wrath.

Samuel interceded for Israel when they chose a king – 1 Sam 12:23-24 (see context) – Samuel stood in the gap between God and Israel and spared them from God’s wrath in choosing a king.

Eventually, Israel is going to turn to the king antichrist and worship his idol [Rev 13; 2 Thes 2] and when they do, God will not be able to find a man to stand in their gap [as in Ezek 22:25-31] – thank God that Jesus will come and be that man for Israel like he was that man for us [1 Tim 2:3-6].

Conclusion: Be sure to be that man for your family, friends, fellow citizens and your country [1 Tim 2:1-3] – may it never be said of our church that God sought for a man to make u the hedge and to stand in the gap but that he found none – follow the example of these great men and intercede!!