Being in the Body of Jesus Christ

Being in the Body of Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 12:12-31

In the passage before us we see the body of Jesus Christ likened unto a human body. Just as the human body is made up of many members and each of these members having a distinct part so is the body of Jesus Christ. In this lesson we will look at the body of Jesus Christ and make a practical lesson concerning young people in the body of Jesus Christ.

What is the Body of Jesus Chirst?

The Body of Jesus Christ is the church (Ephesians 1:22-23). When we say the church we are not talking about a particular denomination or local church we are talking about anyone who was saved from the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) until the rapture, which has not happened yet. Note the way church is used in Acts 2:47.

How do you get into the Body of Jesus Christ?

When a person is saved and born again they are baptized into the body of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13). This Baptism is spiritual and has nothing to do with water. It is connected with being spiritually circumcised (Colossians 2:9-13). This is the one baptism of Ephesians 4:5. The reason for calling it the one baptism is because it is the only one that saves you and it does so by putting you into the body of Jesus Christ.

Before getting into the practical side of the lesson, we must note that there are many different positions in the body of Christ. Paul uses the illustration that there are hands, feet, ears, eyes etc. So in the body Jesus Christ there are many different types of saved people with many different types of jobs to do. It is also important to note you are placed into the body of Jesus Christ by God himself as it pleases him (verse 18).

As a saved young person what should you do in regards to the body of Jesus Christ?

1)  Let God show you were he has placed you.

  • God has placed the members in the body as it pleased him. Therefore he should be the one to tell people what they are.
  • Many times I think young people are pressured into the ministry when maybe that is not where the Lord wanted them.
  • If you are a young person how do you do this? Yield yourself to God’s will. Serve and be faithful in your local church and let God direct you into the way that you should go.

2)  Do not worry about what you are not.

  • Do not look at others and get upset if you are not doing what they are doing or think yourself to be less spiritual because God has not directed you to do something that he has directed someone else to do.
  • Be faithful and serve him. Remember that we are not all eyes or hands as Paul said. Just because you do not go into the ministry you are not a failure as long as you are where God would have you to be.

3)  Let God have the glory.

  • You may feel like a no body in the body of Jesus Christ but remember just like in your body there are many little parts that are very important.
  • God has a way of giving those parts glory in due time. Just like in the human body no body you never know how important little parts are until they do not work or you lose them. So be faithful where God has put you.

Being in the Body of Jesus Christ : Handout

1 Corinthians 12:12-31

1)  What is the body of Jesus Christ?

2)  How does someone get into the body of Jesus Christ?

3)  What kind of positions are found in the body of Jesus Christ?

4)  Who places the members in the body of Christ and where does he place them?

5)  As a saved young person what should you do in regards to the body of Jesus Christ?