Be Lowly, Ps 138:6

We should be lowly.  Lowly is having a low esteem of one’s own worth; humble; free from pride.  Why you should be lowly:

God has respect unto the lowly – Ps 138:6, “though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly.”  This respect is a regard for; favor.  In 2 Ki 3:14, the Lord had regard for Jehoshaphat, and not for the king of Israel.  In 1 Ki 21:29, when Ahab humbled himself after hearing the prophecy of Elijah, God granted this wicked king favor.  God hath respect unto the lowly, but the proud he knoweth afar off.  So, be lowly.

God gives grace unto the lowly – Prov 3:34 he giveth grace unto the lowly. Yet, He scorneth the scorners.  The grace God gives the lowly helps us in our battle against lust and against the world.  Jas 4:6, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.  In 1 Pet 5:5, God gives us grace to be subject one to another and clothed with humility.  When you submit yourself like Christ submitted himself, Phil 2:3-8, God will exalt you in due time, like he exalted his Son, Phil 2:9-11. So, be lowly.

With the lowly is wisdom – Prov 11:2 with the lowly is wisdom.  When pride cometh then cometh shame.  You are wise to stay down.  I have had enough shame in my life for two lifetimes.  I don’t need anymore.  The way to avoid shame is to stay all the way down.  Dr. Ruckman said, “A man, that is as low as he can go, can’t fall.”  So, be lowly.

You shall find rest – Matt 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  We live in a world of stress.  The way to get everything done that God wants you to do and still be at rest doing it is to take his yoke upon you everyday.  The Lord has the load he wants you to carry and he has the spot reserved for you in his yoke.  So, be lowly, take his yoke and learn of him.  You will find rest for your soul.

The peace of God will rule – Eph 4:1-3 walk… with all lowliness and meekness [like Jesus]… in the bond of peace.  Phil 2:1-3 in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.  Col 3:12-15 let the peace of God rule.  When you are lowly, the peace of God will rule in your heart.  Things are not peaceful between you and others when you get lifted up in pride.  So, be lowly.

Conclusion: if you want God’s respect, God’s grace, God’s wisdom, God’s rest, and God’s peace, be lowly.  That’s the way to get these provisions from God.