Battle Proven

Battle Proven

1 Samuel 17:1-52

In this sermon we will be looking at the story of David and Goliath. We will be comparing the armor of Goliath, Saul, and David in order to learn a valuable lesson from David that not only does the armor need to be proved, but God who is the power behind the armor must be proved to us if we are going to accomplish anything for God.

Comparison of the Armor:

Goliath                                    Saul                             David                          Our Armor

Brass Helmet               Brass Helmet             Staff                            Loins girt with truth

Coat of Mail                Coat of Mail                5 Smooth stones       Breastplate, righteousness

Leg Greaves                Sword                         Scrip                              Feet shod w/ Prep Gospel

Target of brass                                                sling                               Shield of Faith

Spear                                                                                                         Helmet of Salvation

Shield                                                                                                        Sword of Spirit


Make comparisons between the armor of Goliath and our spiritual armor, then connect David’s armor to spiritual armor.

Things we must learn from David:

1)  Nothing is any good until it is proven (verse 39)

2)  We must be alone and fight our own battles to prove the armor (verses 34-36)

3)  David had proved the God of the armor and was relying on God’s power not the armor itself (verses 37, 45-47)

Our power is found in God through prayer (Ephesians 6:18), and when we rely on this power things can happen that we could never imagine (Ephesians 3:20).