All Flesh is as Grass

All Flesh is as Grass (Isaiah 40:6-8 ; 1 Peter 1:24-25)

In this lesson we are looking at a type mentioned several times in the Bible, this type is comparing man to grass. Growing grass or having a lawn requires work. When we think about ourselves as servants of the Lord we also require constant maintenance in order to accomplish the purpose that God has for us. In this lesson we will look at some of the keys ways that we can grow and how important this is in the Christian life.

Different types of People:

 There are many different type of people just as there are many different types of grass. Some grass requires more sun, water, and warmer temperatures. Some grasses requires certain types of soil. Some types of grass are more suitable for high traffic while others are not. This is the same with people. Some people need lots of maintenance to look good some need less. Some people do better in certain climates and situations than others. Some people are warm and welcoming like soft lush grass, some are sticky and produce grass burs if left uncut.

It does not matter where you live or what type of grass you have, if you have a lawn you want it to grow and look nice. That is the purpose of a lawn (as well as to avoid the erosion of good soil). Our purpose as a saved person is to bring glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ and this will be accomplished through growth (2 Peter 3:18).

Three Things that are Necessary for Grass (Man) to Growth:

1)  Good Soil (The right environment)

  • If we are to grown in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ then we must have an environment where those things are found (Psalms 1:1-3)
  • There are places we must avoid (Proverbs 7:6-10)
  • There are people we must avoid (Proverbs 22:24-25)

2)  Water (The word of God)

  • Just as grass must have water we must have the word of God to grow (1 Peter 2:2).
  • The word of God is where we will find the knowledge of Jesus Christ which is one of the things that we are to grow in.

3)  Sunlight (Fellowship with Jesus Christ)

  • Sunlight is one of the main requirements in photosynthesis. Our fellowship with Jesus will allow the right environment and the word to cause us to grow.

The Urgency in Growth:

 In the passages dealing with grass we see the urgency of how fast they fade away. This is also true of our life. (Psalms 103:15,16)