A Study of Noah’s Flood (Genesis 6-8) Lesson #3 The Typology of the Ark

A Study of Noah’s Flood (Genesis 6-8)

Lesson #3: The Typology of the Ark (Genesis 6-8)

In this lesson we will look at how Noah’s Ark is both a type of Jesus Christ and our salvation. When we talk about types, we are not saying that the ark is Jesus Christ or that Noah was saved like we are in the Church Age. We are saying that these things point to Jesus and salvation.

 The Ark as a type of Jesus Christ:

1)  The materials for building the ark were gopher wood and pitch (Genesis 6:14). Note that there was not any mention of iron, brass, or other metals. Therefore, the materials at one point were living organisms that died to save Noah and his family. This is a picture of Jesus Christ who was God manifest in the flesh and died for our sins to save us. John 3:16 ; Romans 5:8

2)  There was only one door in the ark, and it was in the side of the ark (Genesis 6:16). This pictures the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only way to be saved John 14:6 ; 1Tim 2:5. It was his side that was opened when he was on the cross of Calvary John 19:34.

3)  As Noah had to be in the ark to escape the wrath of God, we must be in Jesus Christ to escape the wrath of God. 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 ; Romans 5:9 ; 1Thessalonians 5:9

4)  As Noah was secure in the ark, note that God shut him in (Genesis 7:16). We are totally secure in Jesus Christ. John 10:28-29 ; Ephesians 4:30 ; 1 Peter 1:5

The Ark as a type of our Salvation:

1)  God had the idea of the Ark and gave it to Noah long before the flood came. Adam’s sin did not take God by surprise and the plan of how to save man was already there. Acts 2:23 ; Revelations 13:8

2)  Noah did not come up with the plans for the ark, God gave them to him. Just like in Salvation God came up with the plan and put it into action. 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

3)  In Genesis 7:1 God said unto Noah, “come thou and all thy house into the ark;” This is the 1st time the word come is used in the Bible. Noah was invited into the ark. The same is said for us regarding salvation. We are given an invitation. God doesn’t force anyone to be saved. Romans 10:9-13 ; 2 Peter 3:9

4)  The only window in the ark was at the top; therefore, Noah could only look up. After we are saved, we are toward heaven and not at the world, circumstances, or surroundings.

Colossians 3:1-4 ; Hebrews 12:1-2

A Study of Noah’s Flood (Genesis 6-8)

Lesson #3: The Typology of the Ark (Genesis 6-8)


1)  How are the materials of the ark a type of the Lord Jesus Christ?

2)  In what way is the door in the ark a type of the Lord Jesus Christ?

3)  How is Noah being inside the ark a type of us being in the Lord Jesus Christ?

4)  How is Noah being secure in the ark a type of us being secure in Jesus Christ?

5)  List 4 ways that the ark is a type of our Salvation.