Unsearchable Things of God Rom 11:33

Unsearchable Things of God Rom. 11:33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

There are many things about God that are unsearchable.  In Rom 11:33 we read about his unsearchable judgments and ways that are past finding out.  In the context of this verse, we read about God’s election of Israel and his marvelous dealings with Gentiles, as he gives us access to his salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. 

You and I aren’t going to understand all of God’s ways and judgments in this life.  Nor are we going to be able to search out and understand some of the other aspects of his being.  We are going to simply have to trust his promises and let him be God.  The unsearchable things of God include:

His judgments and ways – Rom 11:33 – if you ask God why he does what he does or why he judges the way he judges, you are going to be sorely disappointed with his silence.  He doesn’t give account of his ways.  His ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts than our thoughts.  But he promised “that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose,” [Rom 8:28].  And so it is not so important that we understand his ways; but rather that we trust that his ways are best.

His greatness – Ps 145:3 – there is no way that we have the capacity to search out God’s greatness.  Scientists and philosophers who deny the existence of God because they haven’t found him by searching are fools.  He reveals himself to us in his words and we know him through faith.  But we will never be able to comprehend him by searching.  His greatness is too great.  Be satisfied in knowing that whatever you face, he is greater.  His greatness is always enough.

His peace – Phil 4:6-7 – his peace passeth all understanding.  The only way you are going to grasp what his peace is like in tough situations is to experience it for yourself.  So, quit worrying and start praying with thanksgiving so the you can have his peace that passeth all understanding.  When you have it, you will know what it’s like.

His grace – Eph 3:1-8 – in Eph 3:8 we read about the unsearchable riches of Christ.  In the context we are reading about his grace.  Paul learned about the sufficiency of God’s grace through his thorn in the flesh.  He learned, through God’s grace, to take pleasure in his infirmities and to glory in them, because when he was weak, then was he strong.  You can’t explain this grace to someone.  Each person must trust the Lord and experience the sufficiency of his grace for themselves.

His joy – 1 Pet 1:8 – the joy we have in our salvation is unspeakable.  In other words, we can tell others that we have joy in the Lord, but until they have this same joy through faith in Jesus Christ, they will never understand how wonderful it really is.  The Macedonians experienced this joy in the midst of a great trial of affliction and deep poverty [2 Cor 8:1-2].  Nehemiah and the Jews who were rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem experienced this joy in the midst of attacks by their enemies and hardships within [Neh 8:10].  You need this joy.

His words – 2 Cor 12:4 – There are many things about the Lord that we won’t know until he tells us.  When Paul saw the visions in heaven and when he received the revelations from the Lord, he also heard unspeakable words.  We know only what the Lord has revealed to us in the Bible.  Be content with these words and trust his promises.  You will know all that he wants you to know; and that’s all you need to know.

Conclusion: many things of the Lord are unsearchable.  The only way that you can possibly know them is to experience them for yourself through trusting his promises in the words of God.