Salvation First Then Works Eph.2:7-10

Ephesians 2:7-10 Salvation First Then Works CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Now Paul presents the simplicity of salvation and the results of that salvation both down here and up there.

You are saved by grace

    1. II Cor 8:9
    2. Phil 2:5-11
    3. Rom 10:4
    4. God knows our condition in sin; so he sent Christ to fulfill righteousness under the penalty of our sin, I Pet 2:24

You are saved by faith

    1. Rom 1:17
    2. Your faith is in the finished work of what Christ did at Calvary, Rom 10:5-10
    3. The lost don’t see grace for eternal life as a present possession; see it as a temporary state with the final gift of eternal life after death
    4. If that is true, then you are saved by works
    5. Rom 11:6, it’s one or the other: grace or works

You are not saved by works

    1. Tit 3:5
    2. Gal 2:16
    3. Rom 4:5

You are saved by a gift

    1. Jn 3:16, Jesus
    2. Rom 5:15-18, free gift
    3. Gift of righteousness, v. 17
    4. I Jn 5:20

Once you have grace, the gift of Jesus and eternal life, then you work

    1. Phil 2:12-13
    2. Titus, good works
    3. Following salvation

The grace doesn’t stop at death but goes on through eternity (v. 7)