Fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22-26

Galatians 5:22-26 Fruit of the Spirit CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Completely contrary to the flesh – totally different – you can’t produce any of this stuff.  You’ll produce a feigned imitation at best.

Here is the fruit:

  1. Love – God, greatest commandment
    1. “God is love” – Holy Spirit in you, you love
    2. Jesus – Peter “Do you love me?”
    3. Word – Ps 119:113
    4. Each other – I Jn
    5. Not the world – I Jn 2:15
    6. When flesh tries this, it is just words and lust
  2. Joy
    1. Jn 15:11– Joy might be full
    2. I Cor 13:6 – Rejoice in truth
    3. I Thes 5:16 – Rejoice evermore
    4. Col 1:24– Rejoice in my sufferings
    5. World – temporary happiness, an emotion
  3. Peace
    1. Phil 4:6-7
    2. Rom 8:5-6 – to be Spiritually minded is life and peace
    3. World – denial, no peace to the wicked
  4. Longsuffering
    1. Suffer a long time with someone or something
    2. II Pet 3:9 – You will give up a long time before the Spirit will
    3. World – tolerance, flight
  5. Gentleness
    1. “Thy gentleness hath made me great” Ps18:35
    2. Jas 3:17– The Lord’s Wisdom is gentle
    3. Gentle and easy to be intreated
    4. II Cor 10:1 – Gentleness of Christ
    5. World – Passiveness, effeminate
  6. Goodness
    1. None that doeth good – Rom 3:12
    2. Ex 33:19 – goodness is God’s character
    3. World – reputation, good ole boy
  7. Faith
    1. I Cor 2:4-5
    2. To believe God and God’s words
    3. I Cor 12:9 – Faith by the same spirit
    4. World – sight, no other option, good luck – hope for the best
  8. Meekness
    1. Matt 11:28-30
    2. Meek – “not my will but thine”
    3. Power under control
    4. Yield to him – Rom 8
    5. World – yield to his own desires, pretends to be interested in you
  9. Temperance
    1. Self-control
    2. I Cor 9:24-27
    3. Make you suitable to minister
    4. World – count to 10 – men go home and take it out there

What brings forth the fruit?

  1. Crucifying the flesh (v. 24)
    1. Gal 2:20
    2. Life of Christ comes forth
    3. II Cor 4:10, life manifest
  2. Living in the Spirit (v. 25)
    1. Rom 8
  3. Walking in the Spirit (v. 25)
    1. Gal 5:16

What kills the fruit of the Spirit?

  1. Legalism (v. 23)
    1. Against such there is no law
  2. Vain Glory (v. 26)
    1. Glory to yourself
    2. The Spirit is to glorify Jesus
    3. Jn 16:13-14
  3. Provoking each other (v. 26)
    1. Pushing them to do what you want
    2. Puffing up – like they should be as good as you
  4. Envying each other (v. 26)
    1. Wanting what another has and a strong desire to do whatever it takes to get it
    2. Spirit gives to each what he wants, not what you see in others that you want